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APL procedure 3rd project meeting, 18th of November 2010, Portugal.

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Presentation on theme: "APL procedure 3rd project meeting, 18th of November 2010, Portugal."— Presentation transcript:

1 APL procedure 3rd project meeting, 18th of November 2010, Portugal

2 Program Next steps Pilot Evaluation Planning Questions

3 1. Intake phase 3. Validation phase 4. Report phase 5. Accreditation phase Evaluation - intakeform - intake interview positive advice: cost overview, APL agreement 2. Recognition phase - portfolio -Portfolio assessment -Observation / Interview - format APL report - APL certificate

4 Next steps Validation phase Report phase Accrediation phase 3. Validation phase 4. Report phase 5. Accreditation phase -Portfolio assessment -Observation / Interview - format APL report - APL certificate

5 Validation phase Assessment -Methods -Example of an assessment -Quality criteria (checklist)checklist Assessor(s) 3. Validation phase -Portfolio assessment -Observation / Interview

6 Assessments in…… Assessment methods: Portugal Italy Netherlands Portfolio assessment Test of abilitiesObservationCriterium based interview Criterium based interview ?? What kind of assessments method do they use in your country?

7 The quality of assessments Assessment -quality APL provider (procedure) -quality for assessment (product) +_____________________ -quality criteria (checklist)checklist Checklist assessment criteria Dutch Quality Code APL(QC) Quality criteria competence based assessment

8 The assessor Assessor - Roles tutors and assessors are separated - 2 assessors ore more? - Knowledge about standard and APL procedure - Knowledge about criteria for asssessing - Communicatie effectively - Assessors are independent

9 Report phase APL report - example APL reportexample APL report Assessors write APL report 4. Report phase - format APL report

10 Accreditation phase APL certificate - example APL certificateAPL certificate What does it mean? What’s the value? National accreditation? 5. Accreditation phase - APL certificate

11 Pilot Italy ISQ Portugal CSCS Netherlands De Sprengen Number participants 107/8 Intake √ √ Recognition phase √ Validation phase Report phase Accreditation phase

12 Evaluation APL procedure Interview with: Giovanni (during meeting) Ana and Maria (on skype) Co and Cees (face-2-face) Goal: usability of all phases APL procedure Instrument: questionnaire from Simonequestionnaire

13 Evaluation pilot Filling in Logbook: - Experiences pilot - 1 logbook for every tutor who support a youngster Goal: usability of APL in practice Logbook format from SimoneLogbook

14 Planning evaluation ActivityResponsibleDeadline Interview partners APL procedure Simone with: -Giovanni -Ana & Magarida - Cees & Co 19-11-2010 Giovanni 03-12-2010 Ana, Cees and Co Sending logbook to partners Simone 01-12-2010 Translate logbook-Giovanni - Ana - Simone 20-12-2010 Fill in logbook during pilotAll tutors december  1 ste week february Translate main findings from logbook in English -Giovanni - Ana & Magarida - Cees en Co First week of february Sending Simone logbooks and main findings in English - Giovanni - Ana & Magarida - Cees & Co 10-02-2011

15 Planning Pilot Intake with 10 youngsters pilot Recognition  using portfolio model Validation  assessment method(s) Report  option APL report format Accreditation  option APL certificate Goal of the Pilot: Use the APL with at least 10 youngster and 2 tutors. (This is a project result for work package 2)

16 Planning pilot Implementation APL procedure ActivityResponsibleDeadline Intake phase Intake 10 youngsters in Juvenile Prison Magarida & Ana Giovanni Cees & Co 1 ste December Recognition phase filling the portfolio of 10 youngsters according the new format Magarida & Ana Giovanni Cees & Co 1ste January Validation phase Assess the portfolio of 10 youngsters by using (several) assessment methods Magarida & Ana Giovanni Cees & Co 1ste February Report phase Reporting the results of the validation phase of 10 youngster (option APL report form) Magarida & Ana Giovanni Cees & Co 1ste February Accreditation phase Accreditate (if possible) the report (option APL certificate format) Magarida & Ana Giovanni Cees & Co 1ste February

17 1. Intake phase 2. Recognition phase 3. Validation phase 4. Report phase 5. Accreditation phase Evaluation - intakeform - intake interview positive advice: cost overview, APL agreement - portfolio -Portfolio assessment -Observation / Interview - format APL report - APL certificate

18 Questions

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