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F RUIT. I. Fruit- part of the plant that holds the seeds A. Characteristics 1. colorful, flavorful & great snacks 2. excellent source of Vitamin C B.

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Presentation on theme: "F RUIT. I. Fruit- part of the plant that holds the seeds A. Characteristics 1. colorful, flavorful & great snacks 2. excellent source of Vitamin C B."— Presentation transcript:


2 I. Fruit- part of the plant that holds the seeds A. Characteristics 1. colorful, flavorful & great snacks 2. excellent source of Vitamin C B. Identifying Fruit 1. Berries- small juicy fruits with thin skins a. Grapes, strawberries, blueberry 2. Melons- thick rind & juicy with many seeds. a. Watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew 3. Citrus- thick rind with inner fruit divided into segments. a. Oranges, lemon, lime, grapefruit 4. Drupes- single center stone or pit a. Peach, apricot, cherries 5. Pomes- central seed containing core a. Apple, pear 6. Tropical Fruit- grown in tropical climates a. Banana, kiwi, mango

3 II. Selecting & Storing Fruit A. Maturity & Ripeness 1. mature- fruit that has reached full size & color 2. Ripe Fruit- is tender & has pleasant aroma 3. Immature Fruit- small for their size & have poor color & texture 4. Under-ripe- is very firm fruit that lacks flavor B. Look for the following when choosing fruit 1. Ripeness- color, texture & aroma 2. Condition- avoid bruises, damage or decay 3. Denseness- should be plump & firm 4. Color- typically loses green color as it ripens 5. Aroma- will smell sweeter 6. Size- medium sized typically are the best 7. Shape- avoid irregularities

4 C. Storing Fruit 1. under-ripe fruit- keep at room temp or in a brown paper bag to speed ripening 2. ripened fruit- refrigerate in breathable packaging 3. Enzymatic Browning- browning of fruit when exposed to air a. Caused by chemical reaction in which oxygen reacts with a protein enzyme in the fruit b. Vitamin C destroys the enzyme, therefore stops enzymatic browning from happening - dipping fruit in the juice of lemon, limes, or grapefruit prevents enzymatic browning

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