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LIFE08 INF/EE/000260 projekt „Raising awareness for forest fires and training of forest fire agents and volunteers in Estonia“ Teostatud Euroopa Komisjoni.

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Presentation on theme: "LIFE08 INF/EE/000260 projekt „Raising awareness for forest fires and training of forest fire agents and volunteers in Estonia“ Teostatud Euroopa Komisjoni."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIFE08 INF/EE/000260 projekt „Raising awareness for forest fires and training of forest fire agents and volunteers in Estonia“ Teostatud Euroopa Komisjoni LIFE rahastamisvahendi toel. TRAINING SCHEME Raising awareness for forest fires and training of forest fire agents and volunteers in Estonia

2 LIFE08 INF/EE/000260 projekt „Raising awareness for forest fires and training of forest fire agents and volunteers in Estonia“ Teostatud Euroopa Komisjoni LIFE rahastamisvahendi toel. TRAININGS IN GENERAL The trainings for fire fighting agents and fire fighting volunteers focuses to raise awareness and improve their capacity to prevent forest fires. Training activities lasting 1-2 days. The trainings include theoretical and practical parts.

3 LIFE08 INF/EE/000260 projekt „Raising awareness for forest fires and training of forest fire agents and volunteers in Estonia“ Teostatud Euroopa Komisjoni LIFE rahastamisvahendi toel. PREPARATION Map the existing situation and knowledge of possible participators. Identify and define the training objectives. Identify trainers and participants. Develop a training plan. Prepare training materials according to training plan. Obtain permits and approvals and prepare training field for practical part.

4 LIFE08 INF/EE/000260 projekt „Raising awareness for forest fires and training of forest fire agents and volunteers in Estonia“ Teostatud Euroopa Komisjoni LIFE rahastamisvahendi toel. THEORETICAL PART Introduction -Overview and objectives of the training process. Forest fires -The general debate on forests, forest fires, causes, risks, detection, notification, etc The fire-detection and planning -How to prepare and carry out fire-detection activities, evaluate, analyze and transmit data obtained.

5 LIFE08 INF/EE/000260 projekt „Raising awareness for forest fires and training of forest fire agents and volunteers in Estonia“ Teostatud Euroopa Komisjoni LIFE rahastamisvahendi toel. THEORETICAL PART Codes of conduct on forest fires -Activities at various levels, forest fire extinguishing characteristics and tactical orders. The involvement of volunteers -The legislative and administrative orders, use of resources, the expected activities, compensation for participation.

6 LIFE08 INF/EE/000260 projekt „Raising awareness for forest fires and training of forest fire agents and volunteers in Estonia“ Teostatud Euroopa Komisjoni LIFE rahastamisvahendi toel. PRACTICAL PART Gathering, sharing of equipment and field preparation of the working environment. Introduction of agenda, distribution to groups, and exercise instructions. Field exercises played out in forest fire activities on the basis of regional peculiarities and the participants. All exercises are played out as reality accordingly.

7 LIFE08 INF/EE/000260 projekt „Raising awareness for forest fires and training of forest fire agents and volunteers in Estonia“ Teostatud Euroopa Komisjoni LIFE rahastamisvahendi toel. PRACTICAL PART Exercises are based on the theoretical part of the subjects covered. Depending on the number of participants and groups, each group will work in section to solve the task. Event is a break at regular intervals, after which the groups are exchanged between the tasks, but the event continues.

8 LIFE08 INF/EE/000260 projekt „Raising awareness for forest fires and training of forest fire agents and volunteers in Estonia“ Teostatud Euroopa Komisjoni LIFE rahastamisvahendi toel. PRACTICAL PART If possible, always be a group of evaluators. This activity allows participants to be an outsider, and look for possible mistakes made ​​by others and themselves to avoid them. If possible, include various of authorities in the event, it helps to create new links, to improve their cooperation and to find operational solutions for potential bottlenecks.

9 LIFE08 INF/EE/000260 projekt „Raising awareness for forest fires and training of forest fire agents and volunteers in Estonia“ Teostatud Euroopa Komisjoni LIFE rahastamisvahendi toel. SUMMING-UP Analyze the changes that should make arrangements to avoid the bottlenecks encountered. Suggestions for the additional resources and equipment according to need arose. Ensure transfer of knowledge and experience in the organization.

10 LIFE08 INF/EE/000260 projekt „Raising awareness for forest fires and training of forest fire agents and volunteers in Estonia“ Teostatud Euroopa Komisjoni LIFE rahastamisvahendi toel. MORE INFORMATION For more detailed information on forest fire fighting and practices can be asked from Estonian Rescue Board. Contact details found on the Internet:

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