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WE-Mentor Enterprising women in European Research mentoring India/Israel/Romania/Turkey WP 3 – Implementation of WE activities in the mentee regions 

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Presentation on theme: "WE-Mentor Enterprising women in European Research mentoring India/Israel/Romania/Turkey WP 3 – Implementation of WE activities in the mentee regions "— Presentation transcript:

1 WE-Mentor Enterprising women in European Research mentoring India/Israel/Romania/Turkey WP 3 – Implementation of WE activities in the mentee regions  WP Leader: Brussels Enterprise Agency (Belgium)  Objectives: Development and implementation of WE-awareness and training events  Start Month: 12

2 WE-Mentor Enterprising women in European Research mentoring India/Israel/Romania/Turkey WP 3 Deliverables: D9: awareness and training events for WE (training sessions) D10: mailing and participants lists (month 24) D11: implementation plan of each mentee region (month 30)

3 WE-Mentor Enterprising women in European Research mentoring India/Israel/Romania/Turkey WP 3  Overview on Tasks  Task 1: Development of the contents for the WE- awareness and training events.  Nomination of a task leader: ?

4 WE-Mentor Enterprising women in European Research mentoring India/Israel/Romania/Turkey WP 3  Content Task 1: Mentor and mentee will work out the training sessions in close collaboration and based on outcome of WP 1 and 2 (visits and studies) Possible actions: Raising awareness for EU RTD trough participation in existing women entrepreneur network meetings, stand at exhibitions and fairs, press releases and testimonials, etc. Awareness/trainings on FP7 and innovation issues Trainings: how to participate, how to write proposals.

5 WE-Mentor Enterprising women in European Research mentoring India/Israel/Romania/Turkey WP 3  Special attention to sustainability of actions, even after the project duration  Regional partnerships must play role in backing up in terms of resources and financing  Training modules available at BEA: Financial aspects on FP7: reporting and audit certificate Demystification of FP7 SME access to FP7  Other training modules available: (input from consortium partners)

6 WE-Mentor Enterprising women in European Research mentoring India/Israel/Romania/Turkey  Overview on Tasks  Task 2 : Implementation of the WE-awareness and training events  Nomination of task leader: ? WP 3

7 WE-Mentor Enterprising women in European Research mentoring India/Israel/Romania/Turkey  Task 2.1: Support by mentor partners Mentor partners will attend first or second WE- awareness and training event in the mentee regions and support the mentee-partner during the event Mentor partner will involve one WE-SME from its region as a role-model and to transfer her project- experience WP 3

8 WE-Mentor Enterprising women in European Research mentoring India/Israel/Romania/Turkey  Task 2.2: Implementation of WE-awareness and training events by the mentee partners Organisation of min. 3 training sessions Training of min. 200 WE in mentee regions Content of training: Innovation issues like innovation management/RTD – creating innovative ideas, structuring innovative projects, financing, technology watch, exploitation of IPR WP 3

9 WE-Mentor Enterprising women in European Research mentoring India/Israel/Romania/Turkey Content of training: Transnational cooperation – intercultural management, finding and approaching partners, sonsortium agreement issues, IPR issues European Research Programme participation – FP7, project types and participation rules, WE expertise profiling, writing proposals, CORDIS, evalutation and contracting procedures, best practises Specific efforts in respect to WE WP 3

10 WE-Mentor Enterprising women in European Research mentoring India/Israel/Romania/Turkey  Task 2.3 WE-awareness and training events for WE in mentor regions Mentor regions will go on with individually training of WE who want to become involved in EU-RTD Free of charge consultancy WP 3

11 WE-Mentor Enterprising women in European Research mentoring India/Israel/Romania/Turkey  Deliverables WP 3 D9: awareness and training events for WE (Training sessions) D10: mailing and participants lists (month 24) D11: Implementation plan of each mentee region (month 30) WP 3

12 WE-Mentor Enterprising women in European Research mentoring India/Israel/Romania/Turkey  Milestones and expected result WP 3 1600 WE contacted in total 3 WE-awareness and training events in mentee regions 240 WE trained in WE-specific workshops by mentee (200 WE) and mentor (40 WE) partners  Milestone 4 (month 23): 200 WE activated in mentee region / 40 in mentor region WP 3

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