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User Training at the Advanced Photon Source J.H. Vacca, S.W. Butala Presented at the DOE Accelerator Safety Workshop - BNL August 18, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "User Training at the Advanced Photon Source J.H. Vacca, S.W. Butala Presented at the DOE Accelerator Safety Workshop - BNL August 18, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 User Training at the Advanced Photon Source J.H. Vacca, S.W. Butala Presented at the DOE Accelerator Safety Workshop - BNL August 18, 2009

2 New User Process Steps 2 Register with the APS User OfficeRegister with the APS User Office and receive approval to enter Argonne. (For non-U.S. citizens, special requirements apply and extra time is needed). A badge number is issued Apply for beam timeApply for beam time. Establish a legal agreementEstablish a legal agreement between the sponsoring institution and Argonne National Laboratory to cover the research. Establish a user accountEstablish a user account to pay for supplies and services, or proprietary beam time (if necessary.) Arrange for deliveryArrange for delivery of samples/materials prior to arrival. Complete required safety documentationComplete required safety documentation for the experiment, in advance. Complete all required training.Complete all required training. Once training is complete, the user will receive a badge, which will allow site access at anytime. any time.

3 User Core Training Requirements APS Facility Core Courses available remotely via web interface: APS 101APS 101 - Advanced Photon Source User Orientation (5 year retrain) ESH 100UESH 100U - Argonne National Lab User Facility Orientation (one time) ESH 223ESH 223 - Cybersecurity Annual Education & Awareness (1 year retrain) ESH 377ESH 377 - Electrical Safety Awareness Training (2 year retrain) ESH 738ESH 738 - GERT: General Employee Radiation (2 year retrain) APS 2XX – Sector Orientation (where XX refers to the sector) Note: Sector orientation is given by beamline staff at the APS 3

4 Core Training Administration History 1995 – lectures, handouts 1997 – began CBT format 2005 – began onsite web-based training 2008 – began offsite web-based training 4

5 Additional Training Needs Analysis Non-resident user training is determined by experiment safety analysis form (ESAF) response Resident users (Argonne and non-Argonne employees) also use job hazard questionnaire (JHQ) 5

6 ESAF Hazard Identification 6

7 Hazard-Specific Training Many courses are web-based Some courses in lecture based format only Practical factors training: N 2 user RW-I laser user RGD user Biosafety Awareness-II 7

8 Training Verification ESAF review (ESH Coordinator, APS User Safety Officer, APS Bio-safety Officer, SME’s) Experiment Authorization Report – must be signed at start of experiment and posted at beamline Training Management System (TMS) documentation 8

9 Experiment Authorization Form 9

10 Conclusions All major user training issues resolved over APS’ 20 year operating experience Facility requires full-time user support group Each beam line requires an experiment liaison 10

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