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Task-Based Culture Learning & Teaching Mingyu Sun Kristi Weisenburger.

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Presentation on theme: "Task-Based Culture Learning & Teaching Mingyu Sun Kristi Weisenburger."— Presentation transcript:

1 Task-Based Culture Learning & Teaching Mingyu Sun Kristi Weisenburger

2 Language Customs and Traditions Body Language Religion Relationships Food Celebrations & Holidays Family Ties

3 “culture should be regarded as the set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of society or a social group, and that it encompasses, in addition to art and literature, lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs”

4 According to Rod Ellis (2007) it: Involves a primary focus on meaning. Has some kind of gap. Allows participants to choose the language needed to complete the task. Has a clearly defined outcome/goal.

5 Teaching Culture Lack of access. Overcrowded curriculum. Finding current, relative, and level/age- appropriate cultural content. Access to technology. Teaching Culture via Technology

6 Traditional Culture Teaching

7 Rich Material to Work with. Fun and Interesting. Use of Authentic Material. More Cultural Topics to Discuss. Saves Time and Money. Increases Audio/Visual Impact.

8 Current Practices Examples Web-based Open Source Mobile Ideas for incorporating these resources into your own classroom


10 Materials: Computer(s) to display and/or do a jigsaw planet puzzle. Set up: Students can work in pairs or individually and are given the following instructions. Student instructions: 1. Complete the jigsaw puzzle. 2. The picture in the puzzle shows something about the Chinese culture. If you do not know what it is, find out! Use _____ to find out. 3. Now, there is a new student in your Chinese class and you need to work with them on a presentation which will include the photo from your jigsaw. You will need to explain the cultural significance of this photo to a new student in class in Chinese because the student’s native language is Korean. Record your explanation in Audio Dropbox here: ulture+Workshop

11 Glogster

12 Glogster - Materials: Computer(s) to display and work on Glogster. Set up: Students can work in groups, pairs or individually and are given the following instructions. Student instructions: You are a French (Spanish, German, etc.) student that has been chosen to represent your country at an event in New York City. Use Glogster to promote your country’s exciting and unique culture (food, holidays, etc.) to tempt other students to come visit and study in your country.

13 TASK 1 – Web-based

14 COERLLAcceso unidad2/voces/jguinea.shtml dex.html

15 FrenchGerman

16 COERLL (Spanish Proficienty, Intermediate 15)- Materials: Computers or mobile devices with headsets. Set up: Students are put into groups of 3 or 4 and given the following instructions. Student instructions: You are going to be set up with an language partner via the internet. 1. Look at the list of people you could have as a partner. Pick the person or the city that most interests you and decide what questions you could ask them about their home country or city. Prepare these questions in writing (in English or the target language) so you are prepared when you speak with them. 2. Now watch the first video they have sent you to see if any of your questions were answered. 3. Now create your own video to respond to your new language partner. Use English or the target language to talk about where you are from and ask the questions you have about their city or country.

17 COERLL (Spanish Proficiency, Intermediate 1) - Materials: Computers or mobile devices with headsets. Set up: Students can work in pairs or individually and are given the following instructions. Student instructions: Open House is coming up soon at your school and your Spanish teacher has asked you to introduce your parents to her/him in Spanish at the conferences because she does not speak English. Watch the videos about introducing someone, using the transcripts in Spanish and/or in English, and learn how to introduce someone. Then plan how you will introduce your parents to your teacher. Take notes to prepare and practice this situation with two other students - taking turns being the student, parent and teacher.


19 Challenges Access for all students Wifi access Restrictions on use in class Personalized Increased Access Decreased cost to school Less time wasted - moving to a lab Engaging to students Use of online resources (i.e. Moodle) Benefits


21 Materials: Mobile devices with the Hidden Paris app installed. Set up: Students are put into groups of 3 or 4 and given the following instructions. Student instructions: You are on a 2-week spring break trip with your French class. Your teacher has given them you a free day to visit some places in Paris on your own! You only have 6 hours to sightsee and must stay with your group at all times. Use the maps and content in the Hidden Paris app to plan your day. Remember that you only have 6 hours so include how long it will take to get to each destination. Your starting location is _______. You must allow enough time to return to your starting place so you can meet up with your teacher again. Write your schedule down and give it to your teacher in case they need to find you during the day. Have fun!


23 Materials: Mobile devices with the Nexus Subway app installed. Set up: Students are put into groups of 3 or 4 and given the following instructions. Student instructions: You are studying abroad in Korea and need to get to your first Korean class by 9 a.m. on Monday. Use the Nexus Subway app to find out the best route to take to class in ____. Your starting location is ____. Be sure to check the subway schedules in the app to make sure you get to class on time and remember that you may need time to walk to and from the subway. When you have finished explain the route you will take to your friend who needs to get to the class too. Good luck!

24 TASK 2 – Fotopedia

25 Thank You for Listening! Questions? Comments?

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