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Water cycle Topic 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Water cycle Topic 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water cycle Topic 3

2 TOPIC 3 Activity 1 Experiment
The teacher explains how the water cycle works.

3 he /she puts a beaker full of hot water on the plate
S/he fills the cover plate with the crushed ice.

4 the hot vapour hits the cooler air under the plate. Then, as more
the pupils will see that a cloud is formed where the hot vapour hits the cooler air under the plate. Then, as more condensation takes place, the plate becomes saturated.

5 So, there will be drops of water under the plate and, finally, this drops will fall as precipitation

6 After the investigation, the teacher asks the pupils what are the ingredients needed to
make a cloud . Later, pupils can cut .rearrange and match the sentences with the pictures and stick the process in the weather dispaly on the class wall. Worksheet 1 experiment


8 Power point presentation activity 2

9 Activity 3 worksheets label the pictures to the sentences worksheet 2 Write the missing words worksheet 3

10 Label the pictures to the sentences

11 Cooperative learning activity Activity 4 Worksheet 4
S/he divides the class in groups of 5/6, gives them one different copy of each worksheet to each member of the group and tells the pupils that they are going to make a display about the water cycle. . Each member of the group is going to be a specialist in one of the processes of .the water cycle. They have to read a text circle the right word and draw some of the words in the text. Once they have finished, they have to read the text and be sure they understand it because they will have to explain it to the rest of the groups.. Cooperative learning activity Activity 4 Worksheet 4


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