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English II—December 7, 2015 Daily Warm-Up: Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability.

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Presentation on theme: "English II—December 7, 2015 Daily Warm-Up: Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability."— Presentation transcript:

1 English II—December 7, 2015 Daily Warm-Up: Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The principles of sustainable development are as follows: – Living within environmental limits. – Achieving a sustainable economy. – Promoting good governance. – Using sound science responsibly. – Ensuring a strong, healthy, and just society. According to the claims made in The 11 th Hour, what are we currently doing as a society that goes against these principles? Explain. Look back at the answers to your questions if necessary. Homework: – Study for Unit 4 Vocabulary Test on Friday. The words and definitions are on the website. – Reading Plus due Sunday at 11:59.

2 Causal Claims A causal claim takes the form of "x causes y," with x referring to the cause and y referring to the effect. In the first segment of The 11 th Hour, a number of cause-effect claims regarding the impact of CO2 concentrations on global warming are loosely presented. Causes (x) Industrial Revolution Rapid population growth Use of ancient sunlight (fossil fuels) as energy source Release of CO2, into atmosphere as result of burning fossil fuels Rising levels of CO2 and methane in the atmosphere Climate Change Effects (y) Changes in water cycle patterns (more drought and flooding) More severe hurricanes Increased deforestation, which leads to less CO2 recycling Melting of ice sheets, which leads to less solar radiation being reflected (and higher temperatures) Warming of seas, which could lead to trapped CO2 being released Environmental refugees as a result of flooding and water shortages Threats to national and international security Extinction of species—possibly including us

3 Assigned Causal Claims Causal Claim #1—Industrial Revolution is causing climate change. Mike, Shemar, Andrew, Hunter, Mavis Causal Claim #2—Rapid population growth is causing climate change. Nicholas, Chantelle, Alexis, Chris R., Chris W. Causal Claim #3—Use of ancient sunlight (fossil fuels) as energy source is causing climate change. Chrisard, Shaelyn, Sephora, Ian, Logan Causal Claim #4—Release of CO2, into atmosphere as result of burning fossil fuels is causing climate change. Brandon, Darrion, Isaiah, Christina, Claire Causal Claim #5—Rising levels of CO2 and methane in the atmosphere are causing climate change. Emmanuel, Noah, Gabriel Directions: Write your assigned casual claim on your worksheet. As you review the first segment of The 11 th Hour, take note of specific examples used to support the claim.

4 The 11 th Hour (Beginning—28:46) he-11th-hour he-11th-hour

5 Final Groups Group #1 Mike, Nicholas, Shaelyn, Brandon, Noah Group #2 Shemar, Chantelle, Ian, Darrion, Gabriel Group #3 Andrew, Alexis, Sephora, Isaiah Group #4 Hunter, Chris R., Logan, Darrion, Christina Group #5 Mavis, Chris W., Chrisard, Claire Emmanuel Directions: Work with your group to fill in the chart on the worksheet and answer the questions.

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