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Presentation on theme: "Perseus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Perseus

2 Danaë, Perseus in the chest; Acrisius sending them away
Providence Painter, Attic red-figured lekythos (c BC).Toledo Museum of Art (Perseus Project).

3 Danaë and Perseus, detail

4 Perseus slays Medusa as Hermes looks on
Attic black figure olpe, by the Amasis Painter (?) ca. 550 BCE. British Museum (Perseus Project)

5 Perseus running Side A, Attic red figure Panathenaic amphora
Berlin Painter (?). Ca 490 BCE. Munich, Antikensammlungen (Perseus Project)

6 Gorgon running Side B

7 Perseus pursuing a Gorgon
Attic black figure kyathos (ca. 510 BCE). J. Paul Getty Museum,Malibu (Perseus Project)

8 Gorgon from previous vase

9 Gorgon running Attic black figure volute krater. Kleitias ca.
BCE. Florence, Archaeological Museum (Perseus Project)

10 Gorgon on Athena’s aegis
Attic red figure amphora, Andokides Painter(?), ca. 525 BCE, Berlin, Anikenmuseen (Perseus Project)

11 Athena with aegis and gorgon
Attic black figure calyx krater, by the Rycroft Painter (?), ca BCE. Toledo Museum of Art (Perseus Project)

12 Gorgon on Athena’s shield
Attic black figure neck amphora, By the Amasis Painter (?), ca. BCE. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (Perseus Project)

13 Memnon with a Gorgon on his shield Attic red figure calyx krater. Name
vase of the Tyszkiewicz Painter, ca BCE. Museum Of Fine Arts, Boston (Perseus Project)

14 Gorgoneion Attic red figure hydria (Late Archaic / Early Classical), British Museum (Perseus Project)



17 Perseus with the head of Medusa
Benvenuto Cellini Bronze, 18 feet , Loggi dei Lanzi, Florence



20 Medusa Caravaggio, after 1590; Oil on canvas mounted on wood; Uffizi Gallery, Florence

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