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SHine SA Relationships & Sexual Health Training Module 1.

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Presentation on theme: "SHine SA Relationships & Sexual Health Training Module 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 SHine SA Relationships & Sexual Health Training Module 1

2 About us

3 Who we are & what we do 3 Primary Health Care Teams Each team consists of: Doctors & Nurses Teachers Counsellor Administration team

4 Where are we located GP Plus Super Clinic Noarlunga (Level 1) 20 Alexander Kelly Drive, Noarlunga Centre Drop in: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 10:30am-4:15pm GP Plus Health Care Centre Marion 10 Milham Street, Oaklands Park (across from Aquatic Centre) Drop in: Monday 1:00-4:00pm, Thursday 3:30-6:00pm Woodville GP Plus Health Care Centre 64c Woodville Road, Woodville Drop in: Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm Gilles Plains GP Plus Super Clinic 1 Gilles Crescent, Hillcrest Drop in: Thursday, 9:00am-3:00pm SHine SA 43 Peachey Road, Davoren Park Drop in: Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm Shopfront Youth Health & Information Service Shop 4, 72 John Street, Salisbury Drop in: Monday and Thursday, 2:00-5:00pm (young people under 25 years)

5 Workforce Development and Resources Team Close the Gap Team

6 The Focus School Program

7 About the program Focus Schools Program Curriculum Yrs 8 - 10 Primary years School Coordinator support Professional development

8 Aim of the training The AIM of this 2 day course is to facilitate consistent good practice in implementation of relationships & sexual health education in schools.

9 We hope you will Develop a broader understanding of comprehensive relationships and sexual health education (R&SH). Increase content specific knowledge. Improve skills to implement effective learning in R&SH: → to create safe spaces → to use a variety of teaching methodologies → to facilitate student discussions Explore personal attitudes and values around R&SH issues. Increase awareness of where to access further information and support.

10 Whole school approach

11 Pregnancy & abortion rates While South Australia (& Australia) has one of the highest teenage pregnancy and abortion rates in developed countries, we have seen a consistent decline over the last decade. 789 teenagers gave birth compared to 811 in 2009. In 2010 871 teenagers had an abortion, a drop from 912 in 2009.

12 PregnancyBirthAbortion United States54 (4) 34 (4) 20 (4) England / Wales 55 (3) 33 (2) 22 (2) Australia 3415 (5) 19 (6) Sweden 20 6 (1) 14 (6) Netherlands8 5 (1) 3 (6) A comparison of Pregnancy, Birth & Abortion rates Young women 15-19 age group (per 1,000)

13 Percentage of students who have ever had sexual intercourse Year 10Year 12 Males27 44 (down 4%) Females28 62 (up 15%)

14 Students who wanted to have sex the last time they had sex Year 10 % Year 12 % Males9594 Females90 92 (down 5%)

15 Sexually active students who have had unwanted sex Year 10 % Year 12 % Males21 17 (down 7%) Females34 40 (up13%)

16 Sexually active students who have had unwanted sex

17 Sexually Transmitted Infections in South Australia

18 Chlamydial infection by age in SA 2011 There were 5,267 positive chlamydial infections in SA in 2011 67% were aged 24 or under

19 Same-Sex attracted youth The term same sex attracted is an umbrella term used to describe individuals who experience feelings of sexual attraction to others of their own sex. There are many labels that people may choose to identify as such as gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer etc. It is important not to label others and allow people to identify in the way that makes sense for them. By using same sex attracted, we include a wide range of sexual attractions.

20 Gender of most recent sexual partner

21 Gender & Homophobia Around 8 - 11% of senior students do not identify as exclusively heterosexual. 61% of young people reported verbal abuse because of homophobia 80% of all the abuse happened at school. School was the most dangerous place for young people to be. 37% described their school as homophobic or very homophobic Only 15% found Sexuality Education useful. A copy of this report can be downloaded from:

22 Supporting documents

23 12 Principles of BEST PRACTICE

24 The resources

25 Respect, health and life Puberty - Female and male reproductive systems Sexuality Diversity Relationships Intimate relationships / sexual activity / consent Gender / power / stereotypes Media and use of latest technology Safer sex / contraception / sexually transmitted infections Negotiation and decision making Places to go for help and support The Curriculum

26 Program example

27 Tell it like it is Booklet for young people on life, love, relationships and sex. This resource is used within our Year 9 curriculum.

28 Keeping parent/caregivers informed Talk it like it is Booklet for parents on communicating with children about life, love, relationships and sex.

29 Student survey At the end of the curriculum we recommend you get the students to fill in a student survey. SHine SA’s surveys have showed a positive reaction to the curriculum. Students overwhelmingly reported that they found the lessons were delivered in a safe supportive environment, which also reflects well on the training received by teachers. The majority of students rated the program overall as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’ in each of the three years.

30 Supporting resources Friendships and dating (booklet and DVD) These resources have been developed as a guide to help parents and carers of young people with a disability on topics such as: Relationships and dating, safer sex and rules in relationships Leaflets SHine SA produces a range of leaflets on sexual health topics, including contraception methods, sexually transmitted infections, safer sex and pregnancy options. HYPE Journal The HYPE Journal helps pregnant young women to understand their pregnancies better while encouraging them to stay in school and working towards a SACE credit.

31 The notice board

32 Is your school missing out on…. professional development for all staff support from a SHine SA Schools Coordinator teacher resource manuals and supporting materials a comprehensive curriculum for years 8, 9 & 10 and support for the primary years support in parent information sessions curriculum resource packs access to SHine SA’s comprehensive Library and Resource Centre

33 Being a Focus School As a focus school, we can support you to develop a whole school approach to relationships and sexual health. Your students will be given the opportunity to develop the skills to enable them to establish respectful, positive relationships and feel comfortable accessing services. For further information or details on how to join the Focus Schools Program, contact the Coordinator, Helen Rawnsley, on 8300 5353 or email:

34 Feedback from educators Were your expectations met? … and exceeded. I thought it was going to be more heavilyfocused on sex itself, but was glad that it involved healthyrelationships, power, etc. What were some of the highlights of the program for you? Fun, interesting, lots of activities, good discussion, accurate information.


36 Congratulations for completing module 1. If you would like to book in for module 2, where we will be delving more into relationships and sexual health and looking at practical activities to use with your students click on the link below.

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