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Learn + Apply 1. God Wants the Church to Expand to All People Verse 2 describes Cornelius’ religious experience. According to the text, he was devout,

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2 Learn + Apply

3 1. God Wants the Church to Expand to All People Verse 2 describes Cornelius’ religious experience. According to the text, he was devout, but what did he lack? How can we lovingly express to others that sincere belief in anything other than the gospel of Jesus Christ is not enough to gain eternal life? How did God reveal more truth to Cornelius?

4 1. God Wants the Church to Expand to All People We often struggle with the fact that someone who has never heard the name of Jesus may suffer eternal punishment. What do verses 3-6 indicate about people who truly seek to know God? How has God already revealed Himself to every person?

5 1. God Wants the Church to Expand to All People Using verses 9-16, describe Peter’s vision from God. Why do you think God showed him this vision? How can we apply this to our own lives?

6 2. The Church Expands Through People’s Connections What misconception did Cornelius have about Peter? How do people sometimes give too much esteem and power to religious leaders? How can this cause problems and division in God’s church? What misconception did Peter have about Gentiles like Cornelius?

7 2. The Church Expands Through People’s Connections How does ethnic prejudice harm the body of Christ? What prejudices might people have other than ethnicity? How did God choose to speak to Cornelius?

8 2. The Church Expands Through People’s Connections In this text, what personal connections were used to expand the gospel? How can we use personal connections to spread the gospel today?

9 3. None Who Believe Are Excluded In verses 34-35, how did Peter express that no one is excluded from the offer of salvation? Does the fact that salvation is available for all mean that it is automatic for all? Explain. Since salvation is not automatic, what does the Bible say a person should do to receive Christ’s offer of salvation? In verses 37-40, Peter described the gospel—the good news. What would be the bad news?

10 3. None Who Believe Are Excluded Are we doing people a disservice if we fail to mention sin and judgment? Explain your answer. How can we warn people they are sinners bound for eternal judgment without being rude, disrespectful, and unloving?

11 3. None Who Believe Are Excluded How does the saying, “People don’t care what you know until they know that you care” apply to this topic? In verse 47, Peter made it clear that these Gentiles had received the Holy Spirit just as the Jewish Christians had. What sign did God use to show this to the Jewish Christians? What did the new believers immediately do?


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