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Terminology in Chromosome and Crossing Chromosome is a thread structure in the central of cells that has a responsible in heredity characters. Build by.

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Presentation on theme: "Terminology in Chromosome and Crossing Chromosome is a thread structure in the central of cells that has a responsible in heredity characters. Build by."— Presentation transcript:


2 Terminology in Chromosome and Crossing Chromosome is a thread structure in the central of cells that has a responsible in heredity characters. Build by centromer and arms of cromosome. Genotipe is a basic character that inviscible and has static characters on individuality.

3 Alel is a member of then that has opposite influence. Fenotipe is characters on individual and could explore by the senses. Dominan is one of the individual characters that on the crossing process beats or closed another characters on crossing way.

4 Resesif characteristic is a contra characteristic from opposite of dominant chaacteristic, is characteristif of individual that`s not in generation because it beated by same charactersitic from other individual in genotipe. Intermediet is characteristic of individual is combination between both of prime behavior in crossing. Hibrida is result of breeding of two individuals that have two differnt behaviors.

5 Parental (P), is the mother and father that do the crossing/marri age Filial (F), is the results of crossing way, called zuriat. Homozigot, is a couple of gen that has the same alel, for example AA or mm. Heterozigot, is a couple of gen that has the different alel. For example Aa or Mm.

6 Rumus The general formula that used for find the kinds of garnet id 2”. N sign is the alel heterozigoot, is genotype that has different alel.

7 Full Dominant MonohybrydCrossingIntermediate Monohybryd Crossing Uncomplete Dominant Monohybryd (Codominan) Crossing

8 Crossing dihybrid is crossing between two individual with two different characteristic, for example ercis with round seed and green with crease ercis and brown.


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