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Published byRandolf Fleming Modified over 9 years ago
2 nd Quarter JOURNALISM 11/3 11/6 11/10 11/12 11/14 11/18 11/20 11/24 11/26 12/2 12/4 12/8 12/10 12/12 12/16 12/18 1/5 1/7 1/9 1/13 1/15
Newswriting Basics Day 6 11/3 JOURNALISM Homework: none
POWER-UP DAY 1 – 11/3 Answer the following questions in complete sentences about your inverted pyramid story. 1.What was easiest about organizing it? 2.What was hardest about organizing it? 3.What was easiest about writing it? 4.What was hardest about writing it?
CHAPTER 3 EXPERT TEACHING TEAMS You have been assigned a team for AP Style. In your team, use your textbook the style handouts to help you answer the set of questions in your area of expertise. Write the associated rule in the margin for each question When you’ve finished, you can check your answers up front to be sure you’re ready Next class, you’ll cover your section of the packet with the class, explaining the rules.
Newswriting Basics Day 7 11/6 JOURNALISM Homework: study for Chapter 3 test
POWER-UP DAY 2– 11/5 A freewrite means you write and never pick your pencil up from the paper, letting whatever flow out of your mind. You don’t stop and edit, don’t worry about capitalization or punctuation, stay on topic or not! Up to your brain to take you where it wants to go. Freewrite: trouble
CHAPTER 3 EXPERT TEACHING TEAMS When your Team is called, all team members come to the front. One person will put their answer sheet with explanations up on the projector. Go over each answer with the class, explaining the rule for why the answer is the right answer. The class should write the answers and rules as you teach. Be prepared to answer any questions.
Newswriting Basics Day 8 11/10 JOURNALISM Homework: study for Chapter 3 test
POWER-UP DAY 3 – 11/10 Answer the following questions in complete sentences about AP Style rules. 1.What is one rule about numbers? 2.What is one rule about addresses? 3.What is one rule about abbreviations? 4.What is one rule about apostrophes?
CHAPTER 3 TEST Login to Edmodo. Once everyone is logged in, refresh the page. Take and submit the Chapter 3 Test When you are finished, silently put up your laptop and begin working on the AP Editor Session assignment.
AP EDITOR SESSION Pick 1 of the 3 printed stories. Edit it according to AP Style rules. Triple check your work. On a separate sheet of paper, write a brief essay explaining each of the corrections you made and why the correction was necessary. (Example: I spelled out the word “one” because it’s a number between 1-10.) Staple your essay to your edited story and turn it in by the end of the block.
Reporting Basics Day 1 Where do stories come from? Finding & Using Sources Using the Internet 11/12 JOURNALISM Homework: Credibility Check
POWER-UP DAY 4 – 11/12 Answer the following questions in complete sentences. 1.How would you come up with an idea for a story? Where would you start? 2.How do you know if a website is a reliable source? 3.What is plagiarism? How can you avoid it?
CHAPTER 4: REPORTING BASICS Record the missing information in the notes from the PowerPoint and Chapter 4 INTERNET SCAVENGER HUNT Go online & find answers to each of the questions on the page. For each answer, write the name of the website where you got the information Try to find the answers on websites that are reliable (meet all criteria from notes)
Reporting Basics Day 2 Observation, Taking Notes, and Interviewing 11/14 JOURNALISM Homework: None
POWER-UP DAY 5 – 11/14 Answer the following questions in complete sentences. 1.What’s one story idea that could be covered in KHS’s school newspaper? 2.What are the 4 keys to evaluating a website’s reliability? 3.What are the 6 categories of sources?
CHAPTER 4: REPORTING BASICS Record the missing information in the notes from the PowerPoint and Chapter 4 Let’s explore some of the concepts.
OBSERVATION In a moment, you will close your eyes. Spend 5 minutes, with your eyes closed, thinking of your favorite place. It could be your room, a baseball field, a restaurant, a store – whatever your favorite spot is. Open your eyes & write about that place. Your goal is to transport us to that place through your observations – the sights, sounds, smells – of the place. Pretend we are blind and your writing will help us “see” the place.
ROCK & ROLL QUOTES ROCK & ROLL QUOTES Get out a sheet of paper. Keep in mind the importance of developing a personal short hand: use symbols for words, abbreviate long words, skip over articles, use “ for repetition. Listen to these songs, taking notes to get ALL the lyrics down. Ready? Bye Bye Love – The Everly Brothers Bye Bye Love December, 1963 (Oh, What A Night) – The Four Seasons December, 1963 Fun, Fun, Fun – Beach Boys Fun, Fun, Fun
Reporting Basics Day 3 Interviews, Quotations, Attributions, Math for Journalists 11/18 JOURNALISM Homework: Study for Chapter 4 Quiz
POWER-UP DAY 6 – 11/18 Answer the following questions in complete sentences. 1.What are 2 tricks for taking good notes during an interview? 2.Name and define 1 of the 4 ways a reporter engages the reader through observation.
CHAPTER 4: REPORTING BASICS Login to Edmodo and download the Chapter 4 PowerPoint. Record the rest of the missing information in the notes from the PowerPoint and Chapter 4. You have 45 minutes. Go! When you have finished, work alone or in pairs to complete the “Chapter 4 Overview”
Reporting Basics Day 4 Quiz, Interview 101 11/20 JOURNALISM Due: Chapter 4 Overview
POWER-UP DAY 7 – 11/20 Correct the quote errors in punctuation, phrasing, & attributions (eliminate if needed). 1.“To tell you the truth, I would, uh, I’d be disinclined to recommend buying any shares of General Motors at this moment in time” the financial planner said. 2.“As far as I’m concerned.” The mayor angrily said. “I don’t care how much money it takes to fix the city’s streets”.
“To tell you the truth, I would, uh, “I’d be disinclined to recommend buying any shares of General Motors at this moment in time,” the financial planner said. “As far as I’m concerned.,” the mayor angrily said., “I don’t care how much money it takes to fix the city’s streets.” POWER-UP DAY 7 – 11/20
CHAPTER 4: REPORTING BASICS Login to Edmodo and take the Chapter 4 Quiz. When you have finished, brainstorm a list of interview questions for your partner as per the assignment instructions. Conduct your preliminary interview, then write your questions for your primary interview.
Reporting Basics Day 5 Interview 101 and Billboard Story 11/24 JOURNALISM HW: None
POWER-UP DAY 8– 11/24 A freewrite means you write and never pick your pencil up from the paper, letting whatever flow out of your mind. You don’t stop and edit, don’t worry about capitalization or punctuation, stay on topic or not! Up to your brain to take you where it wants to go. Freewrite: ocean
INTERVIEW 101 Conduct your primary interview if you haven’t already, and write your story, due at the end of the block. You may use a computer to type your story. Next class, we’ll share our stories with the class.
Reporting Basics Day 6 Billboard Story 11/26 JOURNALISM HW: None
POWER-UP DAY 9– 11/26 Answer the following questions in complete sentences. 1.What was easy about conducting an interview? 2.What was easy about writing a story based on your interview? 3.What was tough about Interview 101?
INTERVIEW 101 It’s time to share your stories with the class! When your name is called, please come to the front of the room, stand at the podium, and share your story. Reading your story is required.
Shattered Glass Activity 1 and Movie Review Assignment Overview 12/2 JOURNALISM HW: study for Chapter 4 Test
POWER-UP DAY 10– 12/2 Answer the following question in complete sentences. 1.What does good character have to do with good journalism?
SHATTERED GLASS MOVIE REVIEW In the coming weeks, we will view another GREAT journalism movie and write a movie review. Take a look at the assignment. You’ll need to take notes while you watch/ after you watch, then write a review like you’d see in the paper.
SHATTERED GLASS ACTIVITY I Part I: (complete together) Part II – using a laptop, search online for answer & record them on loose-leaf. How was Glass characterized in the media when his fabrications were exposed in 1998? What are journalists saying about him today? What has been Glass’s own reaction to the storm of controversy that he stirred up?
Reporting Basics Day 7 Chapter 4 Test and Crossword 12/4 JOURNALISM HW: None
POWER-UP DAY 11– 12/4 Copy the following quote into your journal, then answer the question that follows. “ Journalism is merely history's first draft.” - GEOFFREY C. WARD What does this quote mean to you?
CHAPTER 4 TEST & CROSSWORD Complete the Chapter 4 Test – You may use your notes. When you finish, turn in your test and pick up the Chapter 4 Crossword, due at end of block.
Shattered Glass View the Film! 12/8 JOURNALISM HW: none
POWER-UP DAY 12– 12/8 Answer the following question in complete sentences. 1.What do you think a movie review needs to be a quality review? List at least 3 things.
SHATTERED GLASS MOVIE REVIEW & STUDY GUIDE As you watch, answer the first 5 questions of the study guide and then 5 more questions of your choosing. Don’t forget, you will write a review; jot down your notes on your Movie Review Assignment page. After we watch, you’ll organize your outline and write a review.
Shattered Glass Finish the film, Activity 2 12/10 JOURNALISM HW: none
POWER-UP DAY 13– 12/10 Answer the following question in complete sentences. 1.What do you think of the movie so far? 2.Which character is your favorite and why? 3.What are your predictions about what will happen next?
SHATTERED GLASS MOVIE REVIEW & STUDY GUIDE As you watch, answer the first 5 questions of the study guide and then 5 more questions of your choosing. Don’t forget, you will write a review; jot down your notes on your Movie Review Assignment page. After we watch, you’ll organize your outline and write a review.
SHATTERED GLASS ACTIVITY II Part I: Verification. Complete questions 1-3. Part II: Complete using the article above Bill Cosby. Underline ever detail that needs substantiation (every fact, quote, or assertion).
Shattered Glass Write Movie Review 12/12 JOURNALISM HW: none
POWER-UP DAY 14 - 12/12 A freewrite means you write and never pick your pencil up from the paper, letting whatever flow out of your mind. You don’t stop and edit, don’t worry about capitalization or punctuation, stay on topic or not! Up to your brain to take you where it wants to go. Freewrite: character
SHATTERED GLASS MOVIE REVIEW Time to write! Start with the outline. When you are ready to draft, you can handwrite or type your draft. The final review will be typed and turned in via Edmodo next class. Next Thursday, we’ll share stories in class.
Shattered Glass Activity III, Finish Movie Review 12/16 JOURNALISM HW: submit movie review if behind
POWER-UP DAY 15– 12/16 Answer the following question in complete sentences. Then copy the second part. 1.What do you need to work on to have your movie review submitted to Edmodo by the end of class? 2.“I need to type my story using the template in Open Office and save it as a Word document. I cannot use Pages.”
SHATTERED GLASS ACTIVITY II Part I: Editorial Standards – For each episode, explain why you agree or disagree with editor’s actions; if you disagree, say what you would have done. Part II: Optional extra credit for homework.
SHATTERED GLASS MOVIE REVIEW Time to finish! Use your outline. Download template if you haven’t already, and type in OpenOffice. The final review will be typed and turned in via Edmodo by the end of the block. Thursday, we’ll share stories in class.
Shattered Glass Share Movie Reviews; 60 Minutes 12/18 JOURNALISM HW: enJoy your breaks!
POWER-UP DAY 16 - 12/18 A freewrite means you write and never pick your pencil up from the paper, letting whatever flow out of your mind. You don’t stop and edit, don’t worry about capitalization or punctuation, stay on topic or not! Up to your brain to take you where it wants to go. Freewrite: cheer
SHATTERED GLASS REVIEW SHARE TIME Time to share! When your name is called, please come up to the front.
PHOTOJOURNALISM Day 1: Composition 1/5 JOURNALISM HW: Bring a camera next class if you have one
Day 17 – 1/6 Answer the following questions in complete sentences. 1.What do you know about photography? 2.What do you like to take pictures of? 3.What would you like to learn about photography?
COMPOSITION Part I: View the videos. On the back of your paper, list the names of each composition rule or technique that’s explained. Part II: After you get your computer, view the 2 websites on your handout. Record the answers to the questions.
PHOTOJOURNALISM Day 2: Composition Project 1/7 JOURNALISM HW: Make sure you have access to your pictures for next class
Day 18 – 1/7 Answer the following questions in complete sentences about photography composition. 1.What is the element of depth? 2.What is the element of texture? 3.What is the element of pattern? 4.What is the element of lines? 5.What is the element of symmetry?
COMPOSITION PROJECT Part I: View the video. On the back of your paper, list the names of each composition rule or technique that’s explained. Part II: Review the assignment, then take the necessary pictures with your phone or camera. Next class, you’ll create your PowerPoint, so make sure you have access to the digital pictures. USE THE CHECKLIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PHOTOJOURNALISM Day 3: Composition Project 1/9 JOURNALISM Due In Class: PowerPoint Project
Day 19 – 1/9 Complete the following in your journal. Create a rule of thirds grid, then sketch a picture inside that follows the rule of thirds.
COMPOSITION PROJECT Complete PowerPoint Login to Edmodo and download the template. Import your pictures Submit to Edmodo by end of block today! Save as PPT using name of block number, last name, first initial, underscore, composition Example: 3johnsond_composition.ppt Complete Photojournalism Notes
EXAM REVIEW Day 1: Complete exam review 1/13 JOURNALISM HW: Finish review if you didn’t in class
Day 20 – 1/7 Today is the last Power-Up – you should have 20 entries. These will be graded, so be SURE your journal is in the back of the room ready to go by next class! A freewrite means you write and never pick your pencil up from the paper, letting whatever flow out of your mind. You don’t stop and edit, don’t worry about capitalization or punctuation, stay on topic or not! Up to your brain to take you where it wants to go. Freewrite: photos
COMPLETE REVIEW PACKET Your semester exam will consist of questions in the review packet. Work with a partner to divide and conquer. If you both work the whole block, you should be able to finish it. The questions are broken down by chapter. Use the book/your notes. Whatever you don’t finish will be homework, and the review packet will count as a quiz grade.
EXAM REVIEW Day 2: Go over answers 1/15 JOURNALISM Due: place review in a stack on the front table now
NO POWER-UP TODAY Last class was the last Power-Up – you should have 20 entries. These will be graded, so be SURE your journal is in the back of the room ready to go NOW! You are responsible for making up missed entries. Missing entries will count against you.
CHECK REVIEW PACKET Your semester exam will consist of questions in the review packet. Elect a classmate to come to the board and lead the review discussion. We will take turns going around the room and reading each question and the correct answer. Everyone will participate. HW: study for the exam if you aren’t exempt
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