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The hotel and catering industry is both large and diverse in character

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1 Unit 101 Element 3 Maintain a Safe environment for customers, staff and visitors.
The hotel and catering industry is both large and diverse in character. It employs over two million full and part-time workers and embraces a wide range and scale of catering activities; from large scale food processing to individual cook to order catering.

2 Accident rates in the catering industry have shown a rising trend since the Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) first came into force in 1986/87. Statistics show that the rate is high when compared with other parts of the services sector. Accidents give rise to unnecessary pain and suffering. They also place an enormous financial burden on the catering industry.

3 The costs of accidents Every working day in Great Britain two people are killed and over 6000 are injured at work. Every year three-quarters of a million people take time off work because of what they regard as work-related illness. Around 31 million work Workplace accidents and ill health cause unnecessary misery to the individuals concerned and to their families. NLN Manual handling. Link to NLN manual handling

4 The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974.
HASAWA was passed because existing laws on health and safety were out of date and did not cover workers in environments other than offices, shops, railways and factories. It also thought that some protection should be given to other people other than workers, such as the general public.

5 Specific aims of the Act.
To ensure the health, safety & welfare of persons at work. To protect persons other than employees against risk to their health and safety arising out of, or in connection with, activities of employees. To control the emission of noxious or offensive substances.

6 Employers’ responsibilities under the Act.
Provide & maintain plant & systems of work that are safe & without risks to health. Ensure safety & absence of risks to health in connection with the use, handling, storage & transport of articles & substances. Maintain any place of work under their control in a safe condition without risks to health.

7 Employees’ responsibilities under the Act.
Take reasonable care of your own health & safety. Take reasonable care of the health & safety of other people who may be affected by what you do or neglect to do at work. Cooperate with the business in the steps it takes to meet its legal duties. Report any physical conditions or systems which you consider unsafe or potentially unsafe to a supervisor.

8 Employers’ & Employee’s responsibilities under the Act.
Extend all guidelines to include customers and others visiting the premises.

9 Further regulations passed under this act include:
Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations (1981) Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences 1985 (RIDDOR) Control of substances hazardous to health regulations 1988 (COSHH)

10 How is the Act enforced ? HASAWA gives powers to inspectors and makes it a criminal offence to fail to carry out the duties described earlier. The Act created 2 new bodies: The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) The Health & Safety Commission (HSC)

11 The Health & Safety Executive.
The HSE combines the agencies previously responsible for enforcing legislation, such as factory inspections. The Health & Safety Commission. The HSC is made up from local authorities and trade unions. Which will develop a general policy on health & safety.

12 The Act also gives inspectors the following powers:
To enter premises to make an investigation. Serve improvements notices: given to an employer to improve something within a specific time. Serve prohibition notices: issued when there is serious risk of personal injury.

13 Seize & destroy dangerous articles & substances.
Give information on relevant legislation. Prosecute employers if necessary. A maximum of £5,000 fine and/or 2 years imprisonment.

14 Hazards. What is a Hazard ?
A hazard is defined as something with potential to cause harm. A risk can be expressed as the likelihood of that harm actually arising. Some of the most common causes of accidents in the workplace are caused through basic mistakes.

15 Potential Hazards within a Kitchen.
In pairs discuss potential hazards within a kitchen environment. Give 5 examples of hazards found within a kitchen that you work in. Give 5 preventative measures to reduce these hazards.

16 COSHH Regulations 1998. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health regulations 1998. These regulations lay down the essential requirements and step by step approach to protect people being exposed to these substances.

17 In a kitchen, the most likely exposure to chemicals is through cleaning materials.
In a kitchen these may include oven cleaning fluids, detergents, methylated spirits solvents. COSHH requires all employers’ & Employee’s to be aware of all potential risks. Training in the use of, storage of all substances is required to reduce the risk of accidents.

18 When dealing with Accidents
Remember to: Comply with the regulations relating to accidents RIDDOR. Remain calm, when approaching the injured person. Give them reassurance and comfort. NLN First aid box. Link to first aid box

19 Do not give them anything to drink.
Do not move them unless life threatening. Contact or instruct someone else to get a first aider. Administer first aid only if you are confident that you can deal with the injury.

20 Dealing with Suspicious Items & Packages.
In any work place there may be times when an unattended items or bag raises suspicion. This could lead to an emergency, and if not handled correctly result in danger or injury to others. It is important to treat any suspicious items seriously

21 Recognising a Suspicious Item.
Something that has been left unattended for some time. Something that looks out of place, i.e. a mans holdall left in a females changing area. A full carrier bag left by a rubbish bin.

22 On discovering a Suspicious Item:
Do not attempt to move or touch the item. Remain calm, report the item to your supervisor, or the Police immediately. If possible, cordon off the area and move people away calmly and carefully so as not to cause panic. It may be necessary to evacuate the building. This decision may be taken by your supervisor.

23 When reporting a Suspicious Item you make sure you are able to tell your contact:
Who you are, what the item looks like. Where the item is and the precautions you have taken so far. Any potential hazards near it, i.e. gas mains. The reason for your suspicions. Any witnesses to the placing of the item.

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