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The Disciple & The World The World. The Disciple & The World The World.

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2 The Disciple & The World The World

3 Discipleship Defined Discipleship “Means more in the New Testament than a mere pupil or learner. It is an adherent who accepts the instructions given to him and makes it his rule of conduct.” Jesus had disciples in the sense that they believed and made His teaching the very basis of their conduct. Zodhiates, pg.936

4 Strangers and Pilgrims
Stranger- a foreigner; pilgrim- resident foreigner. Genesis 17:8 Jesus was a pilgrim on this earth: Luke 9:58

5 Strangers and Pilgrims
What makes us foreigners? Disciples are called out: Philippians 3:20, 1 Peter 2:9 Following One the World has rejected: John 15:18-21, 1 John 5:19, 3:1 Disciples no longer think like the world: Romans 12:2, Philippians 3:18-19, Colossians 3:2

6 Strangers and Pilgrims
What does it take to live like strangers and pilgrims? Trusting in God’s promises: Romans 4:20-21, 2 Timothy 1:12 Obeying God’s instructions: Hebrews 11:8, James 2:18-26

7 Strangers and Pilgrims
What does it take to live like strangers and pilgrims? Coming out of the world: Peter 2:11-12, 1 John 2:15-17, James 4:4 Commitment: Hebrews 11:13-16, Luke 9:62

8 Salt and Light We are the salt of the earth: Matthew 5:13
Salt has a preserving power: Pro 14:34, (Cf. Gen 6, 18:22-33), Amos 9:8, 5:4 Salt has an irritating property: Matt 5:11-12, 23:25-26, Acts 7:51-53

9 Salt and Light We are the salt of the earth: Matthew 5:13
Salt creates thirst: Matthew 5:6, Matthew 22:1-10 Salt gives flavor: Colossians 4:5-6, Luke 14:24-25

10 Salt and Light We are the light of the world: God is light: 1 John 1:5
Reveals and Illuminates: Ephesians 5:13, John 3:19-20 Drives away darkness: Ephesians 5:11

11 Salt and Light We are the light of the world:
Gives guidance: Psalm 119:105, John 1:7 Draws those in darkness: Matt 5:16 We must be visible: Matt 5:15, John 13:35

12 Fishers of Men Jesus was focused on saving others: Luke 19:10
We are fishers of men: Matthew 4:19, Luke 5:10

13 Fishers of Men Why be fishers of men?
We are following Jesus: Luke 19:10 It will please our master: Corinthians 5:9, 2 Timothy 2:4 It is the right thing to do: Kings 7:3-10

14 Fishers of Men Why be fishers of men? It is our duty:
We must work: Luke 17:10, Eze 33:1-9 Those in sin are in danger of hell: John 8:24, Rom. 6:23, Rev. 20:15, Cor. 5:9-11

15 Fishers of Men Why be fishers of men?
We hinder the power of the gospel by doing nothing: Romans 1:16, 10:14, Corinthians 1:21 The joy of saving souls: Luke 15:7, 10, 32, Acts 15:3

16 Fishers of Men Why be fishers of men?
The world is lost: Matthew 7:13-14, Roman 3:9-12, 23, 2 Thessalonians 1:8, Isaiah 6:8 We are fishers of men, not keepers of the aquarium. Let’s go fishing!

17 Can Those In The World Count Of Me?

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