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“O Captain! My Captain!” 12 April 2013 Miss Rice.

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Presentation on theme: "“O Captain! My Captain!” 12 April 2013 Miss Rice."— Presentation transcript:

1 “O Captain! My Captain!” 12 April 2013 Miss Rice

2 Warm-Up Use the word “ascertain” correctly in a sentence.
Congrats, Kaila and Ashlyn!

3 Agenda Vocab. unit 4 test “O Captain! My Captain!” Conclude Whitman

4 CP Objectives 4/12 To test knowledge of vocabulary terms.
To read “O Captain! My Captain!” and analyze the extended metaphor.

5 Vocabulary Review warm-up Unit 4 exam
Use “ascertain” correctly in a sentence Unit 4 exam Take 3 minutes to review your words before testing Rest silently at your desk until all tests have been collected +1 for the winning vobackulary team

6 “O Captain! My Captain!” Background information
Written after Lincoln’s death as a tribute/ode to him Lincoln was assassinated shortly after the Civil War ended Whitman loved Lincoln, and used this poem to express his grief about losing a great leader Whitman and Lincoln were both humanists Believe in value of all humans Believe in individuality and collectivity Equality of all men Written like an ode Dedicated to person or thing (announced in 1st line in unique way) Elevated style Deep feeling


8 “O Captain! My Captain!” Let’s read as a class Extended metaphor
1) “Captain” = Lincoln 2) “Fearful trip” = troubles of Civil War 3) “Ship” = America 4) “Prize” = preservation of the Union

9 “O Captain! My Captain!” Groups of 3
Figure out what the other numbers represent in the extended metaphor

10 “O Captain! My Captain!” Class Discussion
Extended metaphor: imagery Juxtaposition Tone: language, word choice, apostrophe, rhyme Progression of the poem Why does the speaker refer to the Captain as father? What has happened to the Captain by the end of the poem and to what event from history is he referring to? Explain the conflict that the speaker is dealing with in the last four lines Whitman was not considered great in his time!!

11 Closing Discussion Do you enjoy reading free verse or metered poetry better? Why? Can you tell the difference?

12 Homework Rough draft of research paper due Monday
Bold or underline your thesis statement Highlight and label 3 persuasive techniques Formatting! Works Cited Citations

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