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Selection 32 George Washington TJ May 27th, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Selection 32 George Washington TJ May 27th, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Selection 32 George Washington TJ May 27th, 2007

2 Before Reading 1. What is a president? 2. What does a president do?

3 Dr. Word 105. lead 106. revolutionary 107. elect 108. capital 109. name after 110. bill

4 Find the Error 1. In 1759, he married with his wife Martha.

5 During Reading 1. How long was Washington president? 2. What is named after Washington?

6 After Reading 1. Why was Washington important? 2. Would you want to be a president? Why or why not?

7 Ask Questions Discover Topic 1: George Washington’s Childhood What was George Washington’s family _______? Topic 2: The Revolutionary War How did George Washington help ____ the Revolutionary War?

8 Ask Questions Topic 3: Washington as President How _____ was Washington president?

9 Summarize and Paraphrase Important information George Washington ____ a very important man because he was the ____ president of the United States. He _____ a wife named Martha, and he fought in the army to help the United States become a _____.

10 Something about George Washington The Greatness of George Washington

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