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Asynchronous Sequential Circuits aka ‘Feedback sequential circuits’ - Wakerly Chap 7.9.

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1 Asynchronous Sequential Circuits aka ‘Feedback sequential circuits’ - Wakerly Chap 7.9

2 Asynchronous Circuits The circuit responds directly to changes in its input signals Circuit design must account for races and hazards Not synchronous - Not clocked – No flipflops InputsOutputs State variables Δt

3 Uses for asynchronous design… Flipflops (first case below…) Situations in which synchronous design cannot be used, either because –a clock does not exist, or –it cannot be assumed that all devices are clocked simultaneously Asynchronous VLSI designs now used to reduce power consumption, EMI

4 Analysis example To aid analysis and design, a simplifying assumption is made – that only one input changes at a time – fundamental mode Consider -

5 Analysis example (2) From circuit – We can now construct a table showing Y* for all values of inputs and Y (transition table) Y00011110AB 01100 11110 Y*

6 Analysis example (3) We now assign names to the state values and distinguish between stable and unstable states A stable state exists when Y* = Y Y00011110AB S0S1 S0 S1 S0 Y*

7 Analysis example (4) We can also derive output values, since - Y00011110AB S0S1, 11 S0, 01 S1S1, 11S1, 10 S0, 01 Y*, Q NQ

8 Asynchronous Design Primitive flow table PFT minimisation (State reduction) State assignment – Race-free Excitation equations – Hazard-free Output equations

9 Primitive flow table PFT is constructed to show the required state and output for each input combination and transition One stable state per row Remember fundamental-mode restriction

10 Primitive flow table (2) A circuit has two inputs P and R, and an output Z which is normally low. The output should be set to 1 by a 0→1 transition on P and reset to 0 whenever R is 1 (Chap 7.10.2)

11 State reduction Equivalent states – Same outputs, next states (PFT will always include don’t-cares due to single-input change requirement) Implication table may be used Reduced state table may then be Merged if there are no conflicting states in any column -435 → 1435 143-

12 State reduction (2) For current example – IDLE, RES1 are combined to give IDLE PLS1, PLS2 are combined to give PLS Giving a reduced table -

13 Race-free state assignment In order to ensure that correct circuit operation is not dependent upon specific gate delays, only a single state variable must change for all state transitions Check by constructing an Adjacency diagram It is not possible to give adjacent state assignments in this example – so an additional state must be inserted

14 Race-free state assignment (2) Additional state Possible state assignment

15 Excitation and output equations Must be hazard-free

16 Excitation and output equations (2) Finally – check for essential hazards…

17 Essential hazards A critical race between an input signal change and a feedback signal change – may cause an incorrect state transition Incorrect behaviour depends upon specific delays in gates/interconnections “If from any stable state, the final state reached after one change in an input is different to that reached after three changes in that input, then an essential hazard exists”

18 Essential hazards (2) Starting from PRY1Y2 = 1010 The final state can be 00 or 01 for one or three changes in P But, depending upon circuit delays, a single change in P may cause an incorrect transition to state 01 What circuit delays? We must ensure that input signal delays are smaller than feedback signal delays.

19 Essential hazards (3) Buffer delay increased here

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