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Educational Development Plan Heath Sciences. All About Me My name is Taque',im 17 years old. I am in the 12 th grade and I live in Belleville. I am the.

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Presentation on theme: "Educational Development Plan Heath Sciences. All About Me My name is Taque',im 17 years old. I am in the 12 th grade and I live in Belleville. I am the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Educational Development Plan Heath Sciences

2 All About Me My name is Taque',im 17 years old. I am in the 12 th grade and I live in Belleville. I am the oldest child. I am the first to attend college in my family. I love to go shopping and hang out with friends. I love to have fun, sing and dance. I'm a joy to be around. Being goofy and laughing is what I do most. Autobiography I'm quite but don't underestimate me.3 younger siblings, Kelaiah 13, Dierre 13, Isaiah 6.

3 Philosophy My philosophy is something I strongly believe in. I feel that it is very important in my life, which is God, without him I couldn't see how I would survive. The bible and the stories from it has helped me so much in my life that I cant even explain. I've been brought up to believe in God and every since I can remember I was always at church with my grandmother.

4 Philosophy Continued…. My philosophy shows who I am because I am a believer and a hard worker and can look at the brighter things in life. I have a lot of faith and determination to complete the things I want to accomplish. Traits that are important to me is loyalty, trust and just being a good person all over.

5 Resume

6 School Work Career Ladder Education Plan Best English Paper Math Paper Math paper 2 Math paper 3

7 Future Goals My pathway is Health Sciences. My career choice is to be a neonatal nurse. It fits my personality because I've always had a interest in taking care of babies and science is my favorite subject. Every since I was little I always wanted to be a nurse. I would like to attend Eastern Michigan University. This offers a really good nursing program that gives me a bachelors degree, I would like to eventually become a neonatal nurse. Which takes care of babies from 28 days after birth. look after infants who are ill and require a significant level of medical supervision. Eastern Michigan University.

8 Future Goals Continued… The cost of living off campus $ 7,616, Room and Board is $6,880, Books and Supplies are $900. Transportation is 2,000, Registration fee is 90, Loan Fee is 108. Total yearly cost to live on campus is $17,734. Tuition The cost of living on campus is $ 7,616, Room and Board is 7,727, Books and Supplies are $900. Transportation is $900, Registration fee is $90, Loan Fee is $108. Total yearly cost to live on campus is $18,241.

9 Training and Skills Some skills that I've learned and will help me be successful in my career is how to do CPR. Learning how to do CPR will help me because I want to take care of babies and knowing how to do CPR can put me a step ahead. Another skill that I've learned that will help me in my career is baby sitting. The skills and traits I will need to work on to help me be successful in my career is patience's. because taking care of babies is a time activity.

10 Training and Skills… Baby sitting is a good practice because this is what I would basically be doing in this in my career field. Ill be taking care of the babies and watch over them over a period of time. learning how to be patient is something I really need to work on because, Babies are going to be crying and hurt and your not going to know what's wrong and patience's is the key.

11 Accplishments Report Card Perfect Attendance

12 My Personal Page Thank you for taking the time to pay attention and listen to my slide.

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