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 We Learned a lot on this subject.  We learned about exponents  We all did great on mad minutes  We did the area, perimeter, and volume of shapes.

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Presentation on theme: " We Learned a lot on this subject.  We learned about exponents  We all did great on mad minutes  We did the area, perimeter, and volume of shapes."— Presentation transcript:


2  We Learned a lot on this subject.  We learned about exponents  We all did great on mad minutes  We did the area, perimeter, and volume of shapes

3  ELA swept through this room.  We did a lot of creative writing  We read 3 books  We all took A.R. tests

4  Social studies went great too.  We studied all the explorers  We learned about the 3 branches in the government  We all did gold rush groups

5  We did 3 main units  We did environments  We did Geology  And we did magnetism and electricity

6  This year we went on a lot of fieldtrips.  One we went on was to see the Nutcracker  We went to Sacramento  We also went to Sutter’s Fort  And finally, my personal favorite, we went to the Audubon

7  My favorite part of the year was that we got to have pen pals in Russia.  We made lots of videos and wrote many letters to each other  Some kids made power points  And we all had  FUN


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