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EduHPC-15: Workshop on Education for High- Performance Computing WELCOME Sushil Prasad and Ioana Banicescu.

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Presentation on theme: "EduHPC-15: Workshop on Education for High- Performance Computing WELCOME Sushil Prasad and Ioana Banicescu."— Presentation transcript:

1 EduHPC-15: Workshop on Education for High- Performance Computing WELCOME Sushil Prasad and Ioana Banicescu

2 EduHPC-15: Workshop on Education for High-Performance Computing Sushil Prasad, Georgia State University - Workshop Chair Ioana Banicescu, Mississippi State University - Program Chair Satish Puri, Georgia State University – Proceedings Chair Workshop website:

3 EduHPC-15: Workshop on Education for High-Performance Computing NSF/IEEE-TCPP Curriculum Initiative on Parallel and Distributed Computing: NSF-supported Center for Parallel and Distributed Computing Curriculum Development and Educational Resources (CDER) “… parallel and distributed computing has moved from a largely elective topic to become more of a core component of undergraduate computing curricula.” -­‐ The Joint Task Force on Computing Curricula Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) IEEE Computer Society

4 NSF-supported Center for Parallel and Distributed Computing Curriculum Development and Educational Resources (CDER) Sushil K. Prasad, Georgia State University (P.I.) Anshul Gupta, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center (co-P.I.) Arnold Rosenberg, Northeastern University (co-P.I.) Alan Sussman, University of Maryland (co-P.I.) Charles Weems, University of Massachusetts (co-P.I.)

5 2010: preliminary report released containing the core topics in parallel and distributed computing (PDC) that a student graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering is expected to have covered Topics organized in four areas: algorithms, architecture, programming and cross-cutting and advanced topics Report expected to engage the various stakeholders for their adoption and others usage as well as their feedback to periodically update the proposed curriculum Early adopters awarded stipends, equipment, and travel support through rounds of competitions with support from NSF, Intel, and nVIDIA 2012: NSF supported creating a Center for Parallel and Distributed Computing Curriculum Development and Educational Resources (CDER) for long-term sustenance of this initiative September 2015: CDER book released (printed version - Morgen Kaufmann/Elsevier) NSF/IEEE-TCPP Curriculum Initiative on Parallel and Distributed Computing - Core Topics for Undergraduates

6 Early Adopter Program Center for Parallel and Distributed Computing Curriculum Development and Educational Resources Center (CDER) Presentations and Publications NSF Workshop on PDC Workshops: EduHPC at SC, EduPar at IPDPS, Euro-EDUPAR at Euro-Par Early adopter competition, Courseware CDER Book Project: NSF/IEEE-TCPP Curriculum Initiative on Parallel and Distributed Computing

7 EduHPC-15: Workshop on Education for High-Performance Computing Technical Program: _Technical_Program

8 2:00 - 2:05Opening Remarks Sushil Prasad, Georgia State University - Workshop Chair Ioana Banicescu, Mississippi State University - Program Chair 2:05 - 3:10Session I Chair: Srishti Srivastava, University of Southern Indiana 2:05 - 2:20OnRamp to Parallel and Distributed Computing. Samantha S. Foley and Joshua Hursey [ppt]ppt 2:20 - 2:35Student Cluster Competition: A Multi-disciplinary Undergraduate HPC Educational Tool. Stephen Harrell, Hai Ah Nam, Veronica Vergara, Kurt Keville and Dan Kamalic [ppt]ppt 2:35 - 2:50A Problem-Based Learning Approach to GPU Computing. Robert Geist, Joshua Levine and James Westall [ppt]ppt 2:50 - 3:10Speakers' Panel I 3:10 - 3:30Coffee Break - (posters on display)

9 3:30 - 4:10Session II Chair: Ioana Banicescu, Mississippi State University Keynote Talk: So, you might want to work at a national lab? Cynthia PhillipsCynthia Phillips, Sandia National Laboratories 4:10 - 5:10Session III Chair: Charles Weems, University of Massachusetts 4:10 - 4:25 Auto-Grading for Parallel Programs. Maha Aziz, Heng Chi, Anant Tibrewal, Max Grossman and Vivek Sarkar [ppt]ppt 4:25 - 4:40REU Site: Bio-Grid Initiatives for Interdisciplinary Research and Education. Chun-Hsi Huang [ppt]ppt 4:40 - 4:55Introducing High Performance Computing Concepts into Engineering Undergraduate Curriculum: A Success StoryIntroducing High Performance Computing Concepts into Engineering Undergraduate Curriculum: A Success Story. Neelima B and Jiajia Li [ppt]ppt 4:55 - 5:10Speakers' Panel II

10 5:10 - 6:00Session IV Chair: Sushil Prasad Posters Learning Parallel Computations with ParaLab Victor Gergel and Anton Shtahyuk [poster]poster Seminars as exceptional vehicle to learn parallel programming Rainer Keller [poster]poster Injecting parallel computing into Architecture and Organization course Han Wan, Xiaopeng Gao, Xiang Long and Yi Li [poster]poster MapReduce modules for undergraduate instruction Weiwei Ge, David J. John, Stan J. Thomas [poster]poster Multi-Semester Effort and Experience to Integrate NSF/IEEE-TCPP PDC into Multiple Department-wide Core Courses of Computer Science and Technology Department at GUPT Shanyu Wu, Yunhe Li and Wende Ke [poster]poster Experience of Applying NSF/IEEE TCPP Curriculum Initiative on Parallel and Distributed Computing at College of Staten Island Yumei Huo and Feng Gu [poster]poster Incorporate PDC Topics into University Level Digital Computer Principles Class at Jackson State University Ali Abu El Humos, Sungbum Hong, Godwin Offiah, Ebrahim Al-Areqi and Bernard Aldrich [poster]poster

11 EduHPC-15: Workshop on Education for High- Performance Computing Thank you! Sushil Prasad and Ioana Banicescu

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