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D O N O W When President Woodrow Wilson reluctantly asked Congress to enter WWI against the Central Powers, he said that the US should enter the war because.

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Presentation on theme: "D O N O W When President Woodrow Wilson reluctantly asked Congress to enter WWI against the Central Powers, he said that the US should enter the war because."— Presentation transcript:

1 D O N O W When President Woodrow Wilson reluctantly asked Congress to enter WWI against the Central Powers, he said that the US should enter the war because “neutrality is no longer feasible or desirable where the peace of the world is involved” and “the world must be made safe for democracy.” Do you think it is more virtuous to go to war for these reasons than it is to go to war to expand an empire or take revenge on an enemy? Explain.

2 What do you already know about World War I?

3 We are beginning our study of World War I. Watch Brainpop to get an overview of what the war was about and why the United States got involved.

4 Causes of the Great War Boundaries Fought back and forth for land Nationalism Feeling of pride and devotion toward one’s country Imperialism Domination by one country of the political, economic, or cultural life of another country or region Assassination Archduke Ferdinand’s death sets off alliances

5 Read about Archduke Ferdinand’s assassination. Note the different perspectives regarding his death.


7 Allied Powers Central (Axis) Powers Neutral Countries GREAT BRITAIN FRANCE RUSSIA Albania Belgium Greece Ireland Japan Luxembourg Montenegro Portugal Romania Serbia United States Most of Northern Africa Austria-Hungary Germany Ottoman Empire (Turkey) Italy Bulgaria Norway Sweden Switzerland Denmark Spain Netherlands


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