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Globalization Pg 1066 -. Globalization Globalization – the process by which national economies, politics, cultures, and societies become integrated with.

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Presentation on theme: "Globalization Pg 1066 -. Globalization Globalization – the process by which national economies, politics, cultures, and societies become integrated with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Globalization Pg 1066 -

2 Globalization Globalization – the process by which national economies, politics, cultures, and societies become integrated with those of other nations around the world. – One effect of Globalization is economic interdependence. Interdependence – dependence of countries on each other for goods, resources, knowledge, and labor from other parts of the world. This spread of goods and ideas has led to the development of a global culture.

3 Globalization: TRADE

4 Globalization Globalization has encouraged: – Outsourcing- practice of sending work to the developing world in order to save money or increase efficiency. – Many jobs today are outsourced to India, Russia, China, and the Philippines. – Multinational corporations- corporations that have branches and assets in many countries and sell their goods and services throughout the world.

5 Weaknesses of interdependence – Economic crisis in a country or region can have a global impact. Ex. 1997- Financial crisis struck Thailand and quickly spread to other Asian countries from Singapore to South Korea. – The World is dependant on Oil Ex. All nations need Oil for transportation and for products like plastics and fertilizer. In 1973 OPEC limited Oil exports and raised prices, sending economic shock waves around the world.

6 Free Trade Free Trade is a key part of global trade today. The UN is an international organization with many responsibilities including promoting international monetary cooperation and encourage global economic growth. To ensure this balance, treaties and organizations guide global trade: – (WTO) World Trade Organization – sets up global rules to ensure that trade flows as smoothly as possible. Made up of more than 100 nations. The Group of 8 (G-8) meets yearly to discuss a wide range of economic issues. It consists of Great Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United States, and Russia. (Industrialized nations)

7 Blocs Many nations have formed Blocs or groups to promote trade and meet common needs. – NAFTA – North American Free Trade Association Facilitates trade among U.S., Canada, and Mexico. – APEC – Asia- Pacific Economic Cooperation Promotes trade along the pacific rim – OPEC – Organization of Oil Producing Countries Represents oil producing countries and regulations the production of oil to stabilize the market.

8 Globalization: Social and Environmental Issues

9 Social problems 1.Poverty is a complex issue with many causes. There is a growing gap between the rich and the poor in many developed nations. In undeveloped nations, political upheaval, civil war, corruption, and poor planning inhibit efforts to reduce poverty. 2.Natural Disasters including earthquakes, floods, and avalanches, droughts, fires, hurricanes, and volcanic eruptions, Strike all over the world at anytime. They cause death, destruction, unsanitary conditions, and economic troubles. 3.Disease Disease spreading rapidly is called an epidemic. HIV/AIDS is an epidemic that has killed an an estimated 20 million people. 40 million are currently infected. There is global effort to prevent its spread. 4.Famine When Large numbers of people in a nation face death by starvation. War often disrupts food distribution, civil wars in the 1980’s in Ethiopia and Sudan intensified Famine.

10 Human Rights In 1948 the UN approved the declaration of Human Rights. It stated that all people are entitled to basic rights “…without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sec, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.” However human rights violations ranging from arbitrary arrest to torture an slavery occur daily around the world. The UN and human rights groups monitor and report human rights violations, from Afghanistan to Bosnia, to Congo.

11 Negative effects of Globalization on the Environment 1.Acid Rain Caused by gasses from power plants and factories, Acid rain causes toxic chemicals to fall down as rain, snow, or hail. 2.Oil Spills Pollute waterways and kill marine life 3.Deforestation The cutting of trees without replacing them. 4.Erosion Deforestation causes erosion, or the wearing away of land and leads to flooding. 5.Global Warming The rise of the earth’s surface temperature of time. It leads to climate changes such as rises in sea levels, changes in weather patterns, and increased precipitation or desertification depending on the area.

12 Kyoto Protocol Kyoto Protocol – International agreement with the goal of reducing the causes of climate change and stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations.

13 Globalization and Technology

14 The Space Race By the second half of the 20 th century there were few places on Earth that had not been explored, Space was seen as the “Final Frontier.” – 1957- The Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite, Sputnik, into orbit. – 1969- U.S. Apollo program landed the first man on the moon. – 1998- Russia, The U.S., Canada, Japan, and many Europeans countries are working on the International Space Station (ISS).

15 Computers and The Internet 1940’s- First electronic computers, huge and slow. 1970’s- Personal Computers (PCs) became widely available to the public. Due to the silicon chip the computer was reduced in size. 1990’s – The Internet, or World Wide Web (www.) was established via cable and satellites.

16 Globalization and Security

17 Security in a Dangerous World In 1968, the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) was signed by Russia, The United States, and 60 other countries. By 200, 187 nations had signed the treaty. – The purpose of this treaty was to ensure that nuclear weapons did not proliferate, or rapidly spread, to nations that had no nuclear weapons. Today, the NPT is the most globally accepted arms control agreement. India, Pakistan, Israel, and Cuba have not signed. The (IAEA) International Atomic Energy Agency monitors nations regularly to check that they comply with the treaty.

18 Terrorism Terrorism- the use of violence, especially against civilians, by groups of extremists to achieve political goals. Sometimes terrorists are funded and protected by governments. In the last two centuries terrorists have – Bombed buildings – Slaughtered civilians, police, soldiers – Assassinated political leaders

19 Regional Terrorist Groups Particular regional terrorist groups have operated for decades: – Irish Republican Army (IRA)- forced British to give up northern Ireland. – The ETA, a Basque terrorist group- seeks to compel the Spanish government to secede part of their territory. – Tamil Tigers- in Sri Lanka use guerrilla warfare to gain territory. – The Shining path- in Peru, use violence to attempt to overthrow the government.

20 Terrorism in the Middle East The PLO – Palestine Liberation organization renounced terrorism in 1988, however other Palestinian groups practice terror to achieve their goals. – Hamas – Islamic Jihad – AL-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade Hezbollah- a Lebanese terrorist organization

21 Al-Qaeda On powerful terrorist group lead by Osama Bin Laden, is called Al-Qauda. It is an Islamic Fundamentalist group, standing for “the Base” in Arabic. Bin Laden helped war lords in Afghanistan drive out the Soviets in the 1980s. His Goal- to expel American business interests, political influence, and military power from Saudi Arabia and the middle east. By 2000, he was providing aid, training, and money to scattered terrorist groups from Morocco to Indonesia. Al-Qaeda terrorists blew up two American Embassies in East Africa in 1998.

22 9/11 On September 11 th, 2001, Teams of Al Qaeda terrorists hijacked four airplanes on the east coast of the U.S. -Two planes slammed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York. - One plane plunged into the Pentagon in Virginia. -One plane’s passengers challenged the hijackers and led the plane off its target. -The Attacks killed 2,500

23 May 1 st, 2011

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