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 Sleep- A state of deep relaxation which there is little consciousness or movement.  (REM) Sleep- A period characterized by Rapid Eye Movement.  (NREM)

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Presentation on theme: " Sleep- A state of deep relaxation which there is little consciousness or movement.  (REM) Sleep- A period characterized by Rapid Eye Movement.  (NREM)"— Presentation transcript:

1  Sleep- A state of deep relaxation which there is little consciousness or movement.  (REM) Sleep- A period characterized by Rapid Eye Movement.  (NREM) Sleep- A period of sleep where the eyes are relaxed.

2  Awake  Sleep  Heart Rate slows 10-15 BPM  Blood pressure decreases  Fewer breathes  Muscle relaxation  NREM Sleep  Range from light to deep sleep.  Almost never dream during this sleep.  REM Sleep  Brain wave activity increases  Eyes move back in forth in a rapid motion  Almost all dreams happen in this state  Happens more when the individual is younger

3  Decreases with age  Infants: 16 hours of sleep-Elderly: 5 hours of sleep  Biological Clock  Your body is programmed to be tired at night time and awake during the day.  Wake up at roughly the same time, if constant.  Ways to tell your not getting enough rest  Alarm clock wake up?  Trouble getting up?  Dozing off in class or at night?  Crave more sleep?

4  Schedule: establish a regular sleep and wake schedule  Activities: engage in activities that will encourage sleep  Avoid napping  Comfortable bed and room to sleep in  Food intake and substances: avoid substances that might disrupt sleep-caffeine, nicotine  Still can not sleep  Tryptophan: Amino Acid that promotes relaxation.  Easy music/Reading  Do not stay in bed longer than 30 minutes

5  Insomnia  Prolonged inability to fall asleep or go back to sleep  Becomes a pattern  Problems?  Sleep Apnea  Windpipe or trachea collapses while sleeping causing breathing to stop.  What part side effect of sleep might cause this?  Accompanied by Loud Snoring  More common in overweight or elderly  Dangerous?

6  Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)  Unpleasant feeling of legs or feet, at night causing the individual to move them.  Feeling of crawling, tingling, burning, cramping  Cause unknown  Narcolepsy  Unable to resist falling asleep no matter how much they have slept.  Sleep Attacks  Can last seconds to around a half hour  Loss of muscle control  Hallucinations  Symptoms generally begin during teenage years  Doctor prescribed drugs can help control these attacks.

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