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1000+ HTTP&TCP services “Make configuration / e2e lifecycle easier” 1000+ HTTP&TCP services “Make configuration / e2e lifecycle easier” SOAP & REST.

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3 1000+ HTTP&TCP services “Make configuration / e2e lifecycle easier” 1000+ HTTP&TCP services “Make configuration / e2e lifecycle easier” SOAP & REST “Provide richer HTTP & REST support” Phone & tablet clients SOAP & REST “Provide richer HTTP & REST support” Phone & tablet clients Web API “Provide richer HTTP REST support, security” Web API “Provide richer HTTP REST support, security” 100s rich data entry forms Use RIA Services Rich client support is critical 100s rich data entry forms Use RIA Services Rich client support is critical

4 Simplicity Cloud HTTP/RES T Clients

5 demo

6 AppFabric > MyService Summary State Imported Errors (24 hrs) 0 Module Monitoring Configuration Admin Log Application Logs This page lets you manage your stateless AppFabric Container module. You can perform configuration, monitoring, and troubleshooting tasks. Module MyService Common Tasks Configure this module Components NameStateTypeErrors (24 hrs) MyServiceImportedWCF Service2 ImportedWorkflow Service 0

7 AppFabric > MyService Summary State Imported Errors (24 hrs) 0 Module Monitoring Configuration Admin Log Application Logs This page lets you manage your stateless AppFabric Container component. Component MyService Tracked Events

8 MyService



11 Simplicity Cloud HTTP/RES T Clients


13 Simplicity Cloud HTTP/RES T Clients



16 HTTP Client HTTP Server HTTP Upgrade Request HTTP Client HTTP Server HTTP “Switch Protocols” Response Existing HTTP/1.1 Web Socket TCP New protocol

17 demo

18 announcement

19 Simplicity Cloud HTTP/RES T Clients

20 Service

21 demo

22 Simplicity Cloud HTTP/RES T Clients



25 Sample Fill

26 Required Slide Your MS Tag will be inserted here during the final scrub.

27 Slide for Showing Developer’s Software Code

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