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MODIS Level 3: Future Issues and Considerations Brent Maddux MODIS Level 3: Future Issues and Considerations Brent Maddux 2001-2004 Cloud Fraction Mean.

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Presentation on theme: "MODIS Level 3: Future Issues and Considerations Brent Maddux MODIS Level 3: Future Issues and Considerations Brent Maddux 2001-2004 Cloud Fraction Mean."— Presentation transcript:

1 MODIS Level 3: Future Issues and Considerations Brent Maddux MODIS Level 3: Future Issues and Considerations Brent Maddux 2001-2004 Cloud Fraction Mean 1 0.5 0

2  Do they represent known physical phenomenon well?  What is L3 saying? ₪ Some limitations of L3 SDSs ₪ How do we interpret the data effectively?  decrease the limitations  improve physical meaning and interpretation How do the MODIS L3 products look: Going from information to knowledge: Next steps:

3 DJF High Cloud DJF All Cloud HIRS Aqua Terra Aqua 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0

4 Dust or high aerosol events 200 400 600 800 1000 mb Cloud Top Pressure May 1 st, 2003 ₪ Events last several days ₪ Few if any visible clouds ₪ 750-900 mb ₪ For daily data this can be accounted for, but not weekly or monthly.

5 0 200 400 600 800 Aqua Terra Difference -800 -400 0 400 800 Cloud Ice Water Path December 2002 Major ice cloud events? g/m^2

6 0 150 300 Difference Cloud Liquid Water Path December 2002 Aqua Terra g/m^2 -150 0 150 Major liquid cloud events?

7 Possible Solutions: 0 15 30 Ocean Mass Concentration ₪ Conduct secondary data processing ₪ Remove questionable data ₪ Create uncertainty products 0 500 1000 Cloud Top Pressure 1x10^-6 g/m^2mb

8 0 15 30 45 60 µm 0 200 400 600 800 0 250 500 750 1000 g/m^2 mb Ice Particle Size and Tropical Deep Convection Evolution -Uniform re ice over cores -Isolated deep convection -Evident cirrus shields ₪ Ice particle size increase away from deep convection Ice Particle Radius Ice Water Path Cloud Top Pressure ₪ What would scatter plots show?

9 Mean SDS Comparisons ₪ Mean phase properties can’t be fully characterized

10 0 15 30 45 60 Ice Effective Radius (µm) Cloud Top Pressure (mb) Ice Effective Radius (µm) Water Path of Ice (g/m^2) 0 1000 2000 0 500 1000 IWP vs Re Ice CTP vs Re Ice ₪ cloud regimes ₪ cloud height or phase ₪ particle size or path Ambiguous Property comparison limitations: ₪ data subsets (large particle size, phase, etc) ₪ multiple data set comparison Possible solutions: ₪ new joint histogram (in collection 5) ₪ means of property subsets ₪ multi dimensional histograms Mean Ice Properties:

11 Summary and Conclusions: ₪ Implement a secondary processing between L2 and L3. ₪ Add additional SDSs 1) that can be used to further compare the microphysical properties of clouds and other atmospheric parameters 2) that allow for a further intuitive interpretations 3) near nadir.

12 Image courtesy of MODIS Rapid Response Project at NASA/GSFC





17 Nov 2001

18 October 2002


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