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Math 210G.M03 Mathematics Appreciation Dr. Joe Lakey website: Canvas:

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Presentation on theme: "Math 210G.M03 Mathematics Appreciation Dr. Joe Lakey website: Canvas:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Math 210G.M03 Mathematics Appreciation Dr. Joe Lakey website: Canvas: 2015 Fall - MATH-210G-M02-MATH APPRECIATIONMATH-210G-M02-MATH APPRECIATION phone: 575-646-3901 office: Science Hall 236

2 If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is. —John von Neumann

3 All musicians are subconsciously mathematicians.- Thelonious Monk

4 Class details 2015 Fall - MATH-210G-M02-MATH APPRECIATION TR 1:10 pm – 2:25 pm Science Hall 102 Office Hours: TR 2:30-3:30 or by appt Please message via Canvas only. I will not keep records of emails sent outside canvas. In case of emergency you may contact me through email or the Math Office, 646-3901.

5 Materials The Internet iclicker2 or reef polling registered for this courseiclicker2

6 Homework: Reading articles from Wikipedia and other sources, assigned daily or weekly. Practice problems in lecture notes will form the basis for problems on the midterm and final exams. Reading assignments are the basis for clicker quizzes. Second assignment due Tuesday: Navigate to My web page, click on “Course Outline” and read This article and this one.My web pageThis articlethis one Profile survey

7 Course Grade Components** Attendance/Participati on 15 Quizzes and Group work 35 Midterm Exam1525 Final Exam200 Semester Project1525 Total100

8 Important dates Midterm ExamThursday, October 15 Last W dayMonday, October 19 Proposal dueThursday, October 29 Projects dueThursday, November 19 Final Exam**December 8, 1-3 pm

9 Written or Performed Project Position paper…or…artwork…or…performance Math has to be a central component Example: position paper: using math (e.g., operations research) to feed the world, or girls are better at math or why math hurtsgirls are better at mathwhy math hurts Example: book report, e.g. Math Girls by Hiroshi Yuki (here is an actual Review of the book)Math Girls by Hiroshi Yuki Review of the book Example: art: Moebius bands, Escher sketches, Klein bottles: construction plus explanationMoebius bandsEscher sketchesKlein bottles Example: performance: symmetry of juggling (plus explanation) Example: short film, e.g., Donald Duck in Math Magic Land or “Girl meets dumb jock, girl solves math problem for dumb jock, girl gets dumb jock.” G or PG please.Donald Duck in Math Magic Land Work in teams or individually Work in groups strongly encouraged but… Expectations increase with group size. 15 or 25% of the Total Grade

10 Timeline for written/performed project October 29Detailed proposal due November 12Class time for coordination November 19Papers/Projects due December 1,3Group presentations** ** Optional group presentations will have the opportunity for up to 5 points credit based on class polling.

11 ADA and Non-Discrimination Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) covers issues relating to disability and accommodations. If a student has questions or needs an accommodation in the classroom (all medical information is treated confidentially), contact: Trudy Luken, Director Student Accessibility Services (SAS) - Corbett Center, Rm. 208 Phone: (575) 646-6840 E-mail: Website: NMSU policy prohibits discrimination on the basis of age, ancestry, color, disability, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, retaliation, serious medical condition, sex, sexual orientation, spousal affiliation and protected veterans status. Furthermore, Title IX prohibits sex discrimination to include sexual misconduct: sexual violence (sexual assault, rape), sexual harassment and retaliation. For more information on discrimination issues, Title IX, Campus SaVE Act, NMSU Policy Chapter 3.25, NMSU's complaint process, or to file a complaint contact: Gerard Nevarez, Title IX Coordinator Agustin Diaz, Title IX Deputy Coordinator Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) - O'Loughlin House, 1130 University Avenue Phone: (575) 646-3635 E-mail: Website:


13 Plagiarism Don’t do it Consequences: cheating on a test or project will result in zero credit for that assignment and likely failure in the class. Unauthorized use of a CLICKER is also cheating

14 Have a good semester

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