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Learn the words Nymph. Lad chariot, steeds (поэт.)

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Presentation on theme: "Learn the words Nymph. Lad chariot, steeds (поэт.)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learn the words Nymph

2 Lad

3 chariot, steeds (поэт.)

4 precious

5 heaven

6 Remember! Boast - Хвастаться beg- Умолять proof- Доказательство Vow- Обет, клятва boon- Просьба (поэт.) whip- Кнут blame- Винить

7 Nymph

8 Lad

9 chariot, steeds

10 precious

11 Check yourself Хвастаться Хвастун Хвастливо Умолять Доказательство Обет, клятва Просьба (поэт.) Кнут Винить - Boast - Boaster - Boastfully - Beg - Proof - Vow - Boon - Whip - Blame

12 Clymene, the nymph Apollo, the god of the sun Phaethon Greek Women

13 Read the text again and match the characters with the adjectives Nymphhandsome Apolloterrible Phaethonbeautiful

14 Now match the same characters with these actions 1. Often told stories… 2. Blamed ….. 3. Often boasted. 4. Threw thunderbolts at the driver. 5. Got tired of his boast. 6. Fell into the river. 7. wanted to see his father. 8. Couldn’t control the steeds. 9. Made a vow to do that. 10. Has to keep his promise.

15 Put the sentences in the correct order 1. The nymph often told stories… 2. The nymph blamed …herself for her son’s death... 3. The lad often boasted. 4. Zeus threw thunderbolts at the driver. 5. The lad’s friends got tired of his boast. 6. Phaethon fell into the river. 7. The lad wanted to see his father. 8. Phaethon couldn’t control the steeds. 9. Apollo made a vow to do that. 10. Apollo has to keep his promise

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