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Social Entrepreneurship & Sustainability. Entrepreneurship Solving a problem Profit Motive Many benefits.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Entrepreneurship & Sustainability. Entrepreneurship Solving a problem Profit Motive Many benefits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Entrepreneurship & Sustainability

2 Entrepreneurship Solving a problem Profit Motive Many benefits

3 Social Problems H

4 Sustainability “of, relating to, or being a method of harvesting or using a resource so that the resource is not depleted or permanently damaged.” Social EnvironmentalEconomic H

5 Social Entrepreneurship “Solving a social problem, delivering value through a product/service, providing an added social benefit, and being sustainable through profit.” (not donations)

6 Corporate Sustainability & Responsibility Supply Chain Environmental Impact Impact on Community

7 Concept of Transparency Allowing consumers to find out your supply chain H

8 Four Examples H

9 Toms - Blake Mycoskie >> 1:47

10 TS Designs (1:48) >> (5:19) (9:18) >> (blue & green)

11 Ben & Jerry ’ s Ice Cream ● Founded in 1978 ● Local Vermont investors, no venture capital ● To enforce a higher social cause, Cohen created the Ben and Jerry's Foundation which donates 7.5% of pretax profits to charities and such ● The handing over of the company is best described by the "Dodge Vs. Ford" decision which gave company control to the most profitable stock holders (people with the most money) ● Other social causes from the company include "Support Farm Aid", the "Children's Defense Fund", and the "Peace Pop" >Greenest Ice Cream (3:35) H

12 Chapul Cricket Bars > (3:21) >

13 Cricket Bars - Sustainability

14 Cricket Bars - US Population 2015

15 Cricket Bars - US Population 2050 Shark Tank >> (1:17)

16 Conclusion H

17 Q&A How can you be part of the solution? How can you reduce your environmental impact? How can you support sustainability? How can you use your power as a consumer to influence change? What will be your next move?

18 Extra Slide: Homeless Kids & Social Entrepreneurship (5:31)

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