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Self-organization of ciliary motion: beat shapes and metachronicity

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1 Self-organization of ciliary motion: beat shapes and metachronicity
Sorin Mitran Applied Mathematics University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

2 Overview Detailed cilia mathematical model
Beat shape (dynein synchronization) Metachronal wave (cilia synchronization ) Coarse graining – a lung multiscale model

3 Cilia mathematical model
Goals Model all mechanical components in cilium Provide a computational framework to test cilia motion hypotheses Investigate collective behavior of dynein molecular motors, patches of cilia Model features Fluid-structure interaction model Finite element model of cilium axoneme Two-layer airway surface liquid Newtonian PCL Viscoelastic mucus

4 Cilium axoneme – internal structure
Microtubule doublets – carry bending loads Radial spokes, nexin, inner sheath, membrane – carry stretching loads Dynein molecules – exert force between microtubule pairs

5 Axoneme mechanical model

6 Axoneme mechanical model

7 Axoneme mechanical model

8 Axoneme mechanical model

9 Dynein model One end fixed
One end moves at constant speed + thermal noise Force proportional to distance between attachment points Advancing end can detach according to normal distribution centered at peak force 6pN

10 Dynein model Obtain average speed from least squares fit to experimental beat shapes Here: 760±112 nm/s Accepted range 1020±320 nm/s (Taylor & Holwill, Nanotechnology 1999)

11 Airway surface liquid model
Bilayer ASL Newtonian periciliary liquid (~6 microns) Viscoelastic (Oldroyd-B) mucus layer (~30 microns) Low Reynolds number (~10-4) Computational approach Overlapping grids Moving grid around each cilium – transfers effect of other cilia Background regular grid – transfers effect of boundary conditions

12 Equations Stokes Oldroyd-B

13 Moving grid formulation
Grid around cilium is orthogonal in 2 directions – efficient solution of Poisson equations through FFT

14 Velocity field around cilium

15 Beat shapes

16 Bending moments in axoneme
Maximum bending moment in travels along axoneme Out-of-plane beat shape results from fitted dynein stepping rate During power stroke maximum bending moment is at 1/2-2/3 of length During recovery stroke maximum at extremities

17 Detail of moment near tip
Begining of recovery stroke

18 MT pair forces – begin power stroke
1 9 2 8 3 7 4 6 5

19 MT pair forces – mid power stroke
1 9 2 8 3 7 4 6 5

20 Normal stress on cilium
Average forces on cilium are similar in power/recovery Propulsion of ASL due to asymmetry of shape Power stroke

21 Cilium motion

22 Force exerted on fluid

23 Modify ASL height

24 Structural defects Microtubule stress Normal axoneme
Axoneme with defect

25 Metachronal waves

26 How does synchronization arise?
Hypothesis: minimize work done by cilium against fluid

27 Start from random dynein phase

28 Allow phase to adjust

29 Metachronal wave results

30 Large-scale simulation

31 Effect of structural defects

32 Mucociliary transport

33 Coarse graining

34 Motivation Full computation of cilia induced flow is expensive
Extract force field exerted by cilia and impose on ASL model without cilia

35 Comparison of air-ASL entrainment
With cilia motion No cilia motion

36 Conclusions Detailed model of mucociliary transport
Beat shape shown to result from simple constant velocity + noise of dynein Metachronal waves result from hydrodynamic interaction effects and minimum work hypothesis

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