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Junior Assembly Presentation Preparing for after high school.

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Presentation on theme: "Junior Assembly Presentation Preparing for after high school."— Presentation transcript:

1 Junior Assembly Presentation Preparing for after high school

2 Agenda After high school Words of Wisdom Preparing for a College Search Scholarships Next Steps for Juniors

3 After High School Career/Employment Military Technical/Vocational Junior/Community Public or Private Four Year

4 Self-Examination The answers will help you chart a productive future path. 1. Can you list your strengths, talents, aptitudes, abilities? 2. Can you name four or five careers to which you can realistically aspire? 3. Can you describe where you want to go and what you want to do in life? 4. Do you really need college to get where you want to go?

5 Self-Examination, Continued Purpose: academic goals, career interests, etc. Values: social, geographic, activities, cost, etc. Merit: academic interests and abilities Personality: What kinds of people and places do I usually choose to be around? With whom and where do I learn/perform best?

6 Words of Wisdom If you don’t have a major, it’s OK. More than half of new college students say a very important reason for going to college is “to find my purpose in life.”

7 Discuss Why college? What do I want to get out of college? What special talents and interests will I bring to a new community of learners?

8 Words of Wisdom You don’t need to go far away. 88% of high school students go to college in their home state.

9 Words of Wisdom Relax… 70% of colleges accept an average of 70% of their applicants.

10 Preparing for a College Search

11 Know Yourself Values Ambitions Achievements Academic Strengths Interests Your Standout Talents

12 Discuss Share with your teachers and parents your thoughts about your future. What sets you apart?

13 Types of Colleges TypeDescriptionTuitionAdmission Requirements Two year Degrees offered: Associates Provides: A way to ease into college / take general college classes for credit. Typically have agreements with four year colleges to transfer credits. Typically around $4,000/year Open-door admission policy

14 Types of Colleges TypeDescriptionTuitionAdmission Requirements Four year Degrees offered: Bachelors and beyond Provides: A well-rounded college experience that includes an academic area of study. State: Typically under $15,000/year Private: Typically more than $20,000/year SAT or ACT GPA Class rank Essay Extracurricular activities Letters of recommendation Transcripts

15 Choosing Your College Priorities Discuss What is important to you? Location Academics Size Campus Appeal Social Life Total Cost – Including aid

16 About College Admission Tests ACT – Consists of four tests: English, Math, Reading, Science, and Writing – Writing component is recommended but not required for most schools – Top composite score is 36 – State ACT vs. National ACT Offered during the weekOn a Saturday State paysIndividual pays Counselor registers individualIndividual registers Part of the PSAE in the spring No writing – to register for a National ACT (CEEB 142628) SAT – Consists of three tests: Reading, Math, Writing – Each test is scored on a scale of 200-800 – to register (CEEB 142628)

17 What information do college admission officers review? Grades / Overall GPA Strength of high school course selections Admission Test Score ( Essay Teacher and counselor recommendations Class rank Student’s demonstrated interest Personal accomplishments Personality characteristics Courses in progress Junior and Senior year Facebook/Twitter - any multimedia facet

18 Collecting College Information – Where to go - College search made simple. Your first stop to kick-start your college and scholarship search - National Association for College Admission Counseling. Offers national college fair information and articles about the college process - Information about the SAT and college and scholarship search - Information about the ACT test – to register for ACT

19 Scholarships

20 Merit Scholarship Tips Merit scholarships are where the money is. There is more than $11 billion in merit scholarships available to students from colleges Not just for “A” students Many awards emphasize leadership or school involvement Nearly all colleges offer merit aid scholarships The average merit scholarship is $5,000 Many awards can be renewed year after year

21 Scholarship Resources - Private scholarships - Free Application for Federal Student Aid January 1 of your senior year - The federal government’s website about paying for college - $11 billion in merit scholarships - Scholarship matching - Free student resource for learning about all types of financial aid – scholarship search

22 Next Steps

23 Next Steps for Juniors In School Stay focused on academics Do not lighten your academic load for senior year Meet with your school counselor Stay involved in school activities Standardized Testing Prepare for and register for ACT / SAT tests Register for AP tests as appropriate College Exploration Explore colleges on the Web Visit colleges if you can Meet with college representatives Attend college fairs Professional email address/voicemail/etc.

24 Lisle High School’s Timeline Junior Night – November 1 st (Registration due October 28 th ) April 24 th and 25 th – PSAE April 25 th – Making Your College Search Count Begin applying September 1, 2012 August – Senior Assembly Complete FAFSA – Free Application for Federal Student Aid – January 1, 2013 February 2013 - COD hosts the FAFSA made easy Final Decision – May 1, 2013


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