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R OCKY R IVER W ATERSHED Is this watershed healthy or unhealthy? If it is unhealthy, what are the main impairments? By: Laura Hagy, Lydia Gray, and Elizabeth.

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Presentation on theme: "R OCKY R IVER W ATERSHED Is this watershed healthy or unhealthy? If it is unhealthy, what are the main impairments? By: Laura Hagy, Lydia Gray, and Elizabeth."— Presentation transcript:

1 R OCKY R IVER W ATERSHED Is this watershed healthy or unhealthy? If it is unhealthy, what are the main impairments? By: Laura Hagy, Lydia Gray, and Elizabeth Chiu

2 R OCKY R IVER F ACTS  Lorain, Medina, Summit, and Cuyahoga counties (near Cleveland)  Primary Uses  Cleveland-Hopkins International Airport  Golf Courses  Urban/Farming/Forest  Main impairment: Nutrient Enrichment

3 M AIN T HREATS Population Growth Waste Water Treatment Storm Water Runoff Development in Riparian Zone Non – point source Pollution

4 E LIZABETH ’ S H YPOTHESIS My hypothesis is that when the DO (Dissolved Oxygen) in the Rocky River increases, the IBI (Index of Biotic Integrity) also increases.


6 E LIZABETH ’ S C ONCLUSION  Data mostly supports hypothesis  When DO increases, IBI increases  Dissolved oxygen affects fish because they need oxygen to breathe  Dissolved oxygen comes from temperature or riffles  Algae can reduce oxygen levels

7 L YDIA ’ S H YPOTHESIS As the QHEI (Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index) increases the IBI (Index of Biotic Integrity) will increase at the same rate.

8 QHEI vs. IBI

9 L YDIA ’ S C ONCLUSION My Hypothesis: As the QHEI increases the IBI will increase at the same rate. When a river has a rocky bottom, and lots of trees around it, you have happy fish, because:  Rocky bottom is breeding ground for fish and macroinvertebrates.  Trees keep pollutants and runoff from river.  Trees keep river cool= more oxygen.

10 L AURA ’ S H YPOTHESIS When the health of the substrate increases the ICI or macroinvertebrate community increases in numbers also.


12 L AURA ’ S C ONCLUSION  Data supports hypothesis  Substrate increases, macroinvertebrates increase  Substrate helps macroinvertebrates  Sediments and silt reduce health of substrate

13 A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS A great thanks to:  Paula, Shannon, Steve, Leslie, and both Katies  Kim and Megan  OSC,OSU, and YWSI  Our sponsors AEP, Battelle, P&G, and White Castle

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