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I’m more outgoing than my sister. Period 1 Rushankou Middle School.

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2 I’m more outgoing than my sister. Period 1 Rushankou Middle School

3 What does he/she look like? He/She is/has…… long hairshort hair tall short fat/heavy thin wildclam

4 funny serious

5 tall short long hair short hair thin heavy calm wild Match each word with the opposite. big small funny serious 1a

6 Yao Ming is Jordan. Jordan is tall. Yao Ming is taller. Jordan 2.26m 1.98m taller than

7 Zeng Zhiwei is short. Pan Changjian is Pan Changjian is Zeng Zhiwei. shorter. shorter than

8 Liu Huan is heavy. Fei Mao is Fei Mao is Liu Huan. 90kg 80kg heavier. Heavier than

9 Lin Xiru is thin. Liu Yifei is Liu Yifei is Lin Xiru. 45kg 48kg thinner. thinner than

10 wild Micheal Jackson is wilder than Tyson. Tyson is wild. wilder Micheal Jackson is wilder.

11 calm Lu Yi is Liu Xiang. Liu Xiang is clam. calmer Lu Yi is calmer. calmer than

12 more outgoing Li Yong is Cheng long. Cheng long is outgoing. Li Yong is more outgoing. outgoing more outgoing than

13 athletic Cheng Long is more athletic than Li Xiaopeng. Li Xiaopeng is athletic. Cheng Long is more athletic.

14 funny serious smart calm wild big fat outgoing athletic dirty heavy thin tall smaller eas(y)ierhotter more interesting smarter funnier heavier dirtier bigger thinner fatter more outgoing more serious more athletic 2a used with er/ier or more ( 找朋友 ) calmer wilder taller Task 1

15 A: Is that Zhou Xingchi ? B : No,it isn’t. It’s. Yao Ming. He is taller than Zhou Xing chi.

16 A: Is that … ? B: No, it isn’t.It’s … He /She is …than … Task 2 close to the stars (走近名星)

17 1 2 3 Listen and number the pairs of the twins in the picture (1-3). Listen and number the pairs of the twins in the picture (1-3). 1b

18 ( 猜猜他 / 她是谁? ) Task 3 Describe one of your classmate, then let other students guess who he/she is?

19 Describe: She is taller than me. She has longer hair than me. She wears glasses…. Do you know who she is? Guess: Is she …? Use: taller… than shorter … than more+ 形容词 +than bigger…than funnier…than

20 Say something about your past and now. I was shorter and more outgoing…… But now, I am taller and…… Task 4 (我的过去与现在)

21 Make a survey Names Before Now Tinashort,heavy,wildtall,thin,calm Paulthin,outgoingthinner,more outgoing Report: Tina was short,heavy and wild before,but now she is tall,thin and calm.Paul was thin and outgoing before,but now he is thinner and more outgoing … … I was …before, now I am …

22 Homework Write a short passage about things that are the same and different between you and your friend.( 写一篇关于你和你的朋友相同之处与 不同之处 ). Task 5

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