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 主講者 :  謝惠玲副教授  吳鳳科技大學觀光英語系  國立嘉義大學博士.  1. Topic Selection  2. Identifying your topic  3. Doing Literature search  4. How to search data  5.

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Presentation on theme: " 主講者 :  謝惠玲副教授  吳鳳科技大學觀光英語系  國立嘉義大學博士.  1. Topic Selection  2. Identifying your topic  3. Doing Literature search  4. How to search data  5."— Presentation transcript:

1  主講者 :  謝惠玲副教授  吳鳳科技大學觀光英語系  國立嘉義大學博士

2  1. Topic Selection  2. Identifying your topic  3. Doing Literature search  4. How to search data  5. Useful websites  6. Demonstration (An example)

3  Step 1. Brainstorm possible topics  Step 2. Write as many as topics that come to your mind.  Step 3. Choose five topics from Step 2 that you always wanted to learn more  Step 4. Arrange the topics in step 3 in the order that interest you the most and number them from 1 (the most interesting) to 5 (the least interesting)

4  Step 5. Now arrange the topics in step 3 again in the order that you think would be most interesting to your audience and number them from 1 (the most interesting) to 5 (the least interesting)  Step 6. Now add the numbers for each topic from step 4 and step 5. Write the topics starting with the lowest number to the highest number. Then, choose the topics with the lowest number.  Step 7. Consider the amount of time that you have in order to make your presentation.

5  Step 8. Do a preliminary search about your topics starting with the Internet and your school library.  Step 9. Discuss you choices with your teacher to help you make your final decision.

6  1. Library  2. Journals  3. Mass media  4. Online Websites

7  1. Google Search  2. National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertation in Taiwan( 台灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 )  3. Wikipedia  4. Eric   5. Questia  Http:// Http://  6. Ingentaconnect 

8  1. Google 關鍵字搜尋資料技巧  2. Google 快訊應用  3. Google 學術搜尋應用

9 . National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertation in Taiwan( 台灣博碩士論文知識加值 系統 )   簡易查詢  指令查詢  智慧型查詢

10  Wikipedia ( 維基百科 )  主頁面 主頁面  分類索引 分類索引  特色內容 特色內容  最新事件 最新事件  近期變動 近期變動  隨機條目 隨機條目

11  使用說明 使用說明  社群入口 社群入口  方針與指引 方針與指引  互助客棧 互助客棧  知識問答 知識問答  字詞轉換 字詞轉換  IRC 即時聊天 IRC 即時聊天  聯繫我們 聯繫我們  關於維基百科 關於維基百科  資助維基百科 資助維基百科

12  工具箱  連入頁面 連入頁面  相關頁面修訂記錄 相關頁面修訂記錄  上傳檔案 上傳檔案  特殊頁面 特殊頁面  可列印版 可列印版  靜態連結 靜態連結  頁面資訊 頁面資訊  維基數據 項目 維基數據 項目  左側跳頂連結

13  其他語言

14 . Eric   Collection  1.Peer reviewed only 2.Full text available on ERIC  Thesaurus  1.Include Synonyms Include 2.Dead terms

15  Questia  k_MACFZd7vQodyKIAqg k_MACFZd7vQodyKIAqg  One-day trial  1. Research tool  2.Research Tutorials  3. Writing Center

16  Ingentaconnect   1.Browse publications  2.Publisher  3.Subject

17  1. Brain Storming of your topic  2. Choose a topic  3. Doing online search


19  Entertainment  Doraemon  Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Kōen Mae Hashutsujo, nicknamed Kochikame  Crayon ShinJan  Sponge Bob

20  1. Thesis Topic: The Concept of Bullying in Famous Cartoons  2. Drama Performance: Cinderella  3. Presentation: Famous Cartoons in Taiwan

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