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Air and Climate Programs in Massachusetts Nancy L. Seidman Deputy Assistant Commissioner Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection September.

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Presentation on theme: "Air and Climate Programs in Massachusetts Nancy L. Seidman Deputy Assistant Commissioner Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection September."— Presentation transcript:

1 Air and Climate Programs in Massachusetts Nancy L. Seidman Deputy Assistant Commissioner Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection September 21, 2009 NACAA Membership Meeting

2 Welcome to Massachusetts! Slide 2

3 MassDEP Slide 3 September 21, 2009 MassDEP MA Environmental Programs Criteria Pollutants Climate Strategies Multi-Media Organization

4 MassDEP Slide 4 September 21, 2009 Significant New Environmental Legislation in 2008 Green Communities Act Global Warming Solutions Act Biofuels Legislation Oceans Management Green Jobs

5 MassDEP Slide 5 September 21, 2009 MassDEP MA Air Quality Programs Nonattainment –Ozone Attainment - all other criteria pollutants but –PM2.5 (barely)

6 MassDEP Slide 6 September 21, 2009 MassDEP Ozone & PM Trends Slide 6 Ozone 8-hr Exceedances PM2.5 Annual Mean in Boston

7 MassDEP Slide 7 September 21, 2009

8 MassDEP Slide 8 September 21, 2009

9 MassDEP Slide 9 September 21, 2009

10 MassDEP Slide 10 September 21, 2009

11 MassDEP Slide 11 September 21, 2009 Climate Change: Massachusetts Impacts Rising Sea Levels  Coastal Erosion Warmer Water  Degraded Habitats Hotter Summers  Health Impacts More Droughts Warmer Winters  Less Maple Syrup Less Snow/ Skiing Source: UCS, 2007

12 MassDEP Slide 12 September 21, 2009 MassDEP MA Climate Programs 2020 Target at 10%-25% Below 1990 80% Below 1990 by 2050 1990 Inventory & 2020 Forecast Mandatory Reporting Begins in 2009 at Greater Than 5,000 tpy Link to GWSA Legislation & More Info:

13 MassDEP Slide 13 September 21, 2009 MassDEP MA Environmental Programs Multi-Media Organization since 1996 Multi-Media Permits, Inspections & C/E Sample Issues: Mercury, Climate Change, Energy, Solid waste Energy & Environmental Agencies Linked at Cabinet level

14 Thank You! Contact Information: Nancy L. Seidman Deputy Assistant Commissioner Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (617) 556-1020

15 Enjoy Your Stay in Massachusetts! Slide 15

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