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Congruent Figures Academic Geometry.

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1 Congruent Figures Academic Geometry

2 Congruent Figures Congruent figures have the same size and shape. When two figures are congruent, you can move one so that it fits exactly on the other one.

3 Congruent Figures Three ways to make such a move – a slide, a flip, a turn Flip slide turn

4 Congruent Figures Congruent polygons have congruent corresponding parts – their matching sides and angles. Matching vertices are corresponding vertices. When you name congruent polygons, always list corresponding vertices in the same order.

5 Congruent Figures p y q r a x b c Is this a flip a slide or a turn? ____________ What corresponds to angle C? __________ What corresponds to angle B? __________ AX corresponds to __________________

6 Naming Congruent Parts
j d r c f Triangle TJD is congruent to Triangle RCF. List the congruent corresponding parts. Sides: ___________ ____________ __________ Angles: _________ __________ __________

7 Naming Congruent Parts
Triangle WYS is congruent to triangle MKV. List the congruent corresponding parts. Use three letters to name each angle. drawing Sides: Angles:

8 Finding Congruent Triangles
Two triangles are congruent when they have three pairs of congruent corresponding sides and three pairs of congruent corresponding angles.

9 Finding Congruent Triangles
Decide whether the triangles are congruent. Justify your answer. Congruent Justify 4 3 b a c d e

10 Finding Congruent Triangles
Decide whether the triangles are congruent. Justify your answer. Congruent Justify j k l m n

11 Theorem 4-1 If two angles of one triangle are congruent to two angles of another triangle, then the third angles are congruent. Angle C is congruent to Angle F a b c d e f

12 Proving Triangles Congruent
Given PQ congruent PS, QR congruent SR, <Q congruent <S, <QPR congruent SPR Prove Triangle PQR congruent PSR Statement Reason p s q r

13 Proving Triangles Congurent
Given: < A congruent <D, <E congruent <C, AE congruent DC, EB congruent CB, BA congruent BD Prove: Triangle AEB congruent DCB Statement Reason c b a d e

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