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Anthem By: Ayn Rand.

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1 Anthem By: Ayn Rand

2 Objectivism This is the main theme of the book Anthem by Ayn Rand.
In the video she explains what objectivism is and how she views it. In her book there are many examples of objectivism.

3 Video To view the video please click the link below.

4 Man Makes Decisions Ayn Rand talks about man making his own decisions for himself and that their choices are important. This is shown in the book when the main character decides to go into that hole and invent things. He also makes his own decisions by showing people his light and then running away when they did not accept it.

5 Mind is Survival Rand also says that a person’s mind is the key to survival. The main character had to use his brain to learn to live alone out in the woods and to figure out how to survive. This is the perfect example of a mind being survival because without his thoughts he could not have survived in the woods. Also he was not taught how to live this way. He really had to think.

6 Individualism Another point of objectivism is the individualism that is needed. Rand created a society in Anthem that did not have any individualism at all, yet one man knew he was different from the others. He let his mind lead him and he created his own person.

7 Individualism Another example of the lack of individualism in the book is how the characters always referred to themselves as we or they. The characters did not know the word I until the end when the individual became very prevalent.

8 Reason Another key to objectivism is reason. Without the ability to reason there is not hope. A person must reason in order to think things through. In the book the main character reasoned on how he was living and found that there had to be more to it than what he had. Therefore he decided to run away and live his own life.

9 Society Today The main theme of objectivism in Anthem can be found in today’s society. Everyone seems to follow objectivism because they think for themselves and they do not let people control them. Today everyone questions everything and they are constantly challenging the authorities.

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