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Local HealthWatch (LHW) Devon - Engagement Update Steve Edwards, DCC Strategic Engagement Manager - Place.

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Presentation on theme: "Local HealthWatch (LHW) Devon - Engagement Update Steve Edwards, DCC Strategic Engagement Manager - Place."— Presentation transcript:

1 Local HealthWatch (LHW) Devon - Engagement Update Steve Edwards, DCC Strategic Engagement Manager - Place

2 Why? Commonsense and reasonable to do so Informs the public – sets the scene Informs the development Service specification - fit for purpose County Council is the lead agency ‘Best Value’ guidance Duty to consult

3 How? LINk survey and events Sent to user/carer engagement networks Sent to independent providers Distributed by Citizens Advice Devon Voice survey (citizens panel - 1200) Online survey - DCC News Centre, press & social media releases Consultation finder web pages An open and reasonable approach

4 What? Current information & advice preferences Importance of information re: decision-making Likelihood of using LHW Preferred methods of accessing LHW information Importance of the various LHW services Preferences for ‘having a say’ and prioritising issues How LHW might actively involve people Likelihood of volunteering Coverage of LHW Demographics

5 Next Steps 30 March: survey closing date Mid-April: data reports produced Late April: results analysed by Reference Group members for key messages/themes May - July: Steering Group tender development

6 Have Your Say Closing date: 30 th March 2012 DCC Consultation Finder

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