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Our Shared Vision. Our Ambition.... To create a Finance Function that is...... Best suited to Wales but comparable with the best anywhere.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Shared Vision. Our Ambition.... To create a Finance Function that is...... Best suited to Wales but comparable with the best anywhere."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Shared Vision

2 Our Ambition.... To create a Finance Function that is...... Best suited to Wales but comparable with the best anywhere

3 Source: NHS Wales Finance Staff Development Database Census 2014 700 people About half of us are qualified accountants or technicians More than half of us are women What does NHS Wales Finance look like? We also work closely with staff in Accounts Payable, Audit and Payroll

4 More than half of us are over 45 years old Most of us have worked in the NHS for more than 10 years We have 69 people studying Most of us work in management accounting Over 100 of us could retire in next 5 years 40% have been in same role for more than 5 years Source: NHS Wales Finance Staff Development Database Census 2014


6 Finance Function and Finance Staff Development Workshop February 2015 What you said....


8 From the record of the staff event

9 You asked DoFs to:  Create Space  Provide Resources  Set an Example You said finance should be about adding value: F I N A N C E ADDINGADDING VALUEVALUE

10 What DoFs said.... Our collective commitment to you

11 Some quotes from DoFs at the Shared Vision launch “I am heartened to see such commitment and enthusiasm from Directors of Finance and from staff at all levels to developing the finance function for the whole of Wales. Our Shared Vision is something we have being working towards for a long time and it's really exciting to see many of our projects and programmes launched today.” “We are doing this not because it’s a mandated part of our job...but because we recognise its importance, its our professional responsibility to the people we support.” “This is an exciting development for our profession. We need to ensure we are appropriately skilled in order to provide the necessary support, advice and leadership in these austere times. This programme of learning and development shows our commitment to provide a sound platform for this to be achieved.“ “This is a movement that includes everybody and not led by a few”. “We’re building a place where people will want to work and practice and get support to do it.”

12 Dof Declaration – Core Showing my commitment to the Vision for NHS Wales Finance - Finance Adding Value - by: leading by example through engaging with Finance Academy and Finance Staff Development (FSD) Group demonstrating enthusiasm for its aspirations and activities contributing to FSD website, social media and other communications leading by example in demonstrating the values and behaviours expected of all staff within NHS Wales with the expectation that my team will follow encouraging my team to self-nominate as champions for Finance Adding Value encouraging my staff to proactively engage with clinical, other and finance colleagues across NHS Wales and within my organisation Volunteering to support delivery by: providing people / piloting opportunities for Finance Adding Value projects and initiatives supporting individuals to offer skills / time in getting involved in local and national activities Creating space and resource for my team to participate by: aligning my team's agenda with the direction of Finance Adding Value encouraging my team to engage with the FSD website, social media and other communications creating the headroom and space and support to our ambition around Research supporting personal development of individual members of staff, including development opportunities, PDPs, secondments, mentoring etc encouraging my team and staff to take the patient perspective and be client focused Sharing ideas across the NHS finance community by: sharing existing good practice and new initiatives supplying news and information and keeping colleagues informed by making access to current Finance Training and Development material and evidence contributing ideas for new initiatives, new skills and competencies

13 Dof Declaration - this is personal Add text as per your Dof declaration Insert pdf image of your DoF’s signed declaration

14 Some of the words used by DoFs about NHS Finance and the work we are doing together on our Shared Vision We want you hold us to account “Let us be judged by our actions. Commitment is more than words, its about walking the talk. We need to know if your DoF isn’t playing their part.”

15 Putting it all together

16 Who we are and who we work with Partners and Stakeholders Welsh Government Other NHS professional groups Clinicians and service managers Academic and research organisations NHS staff who use finance systems Public and private sector partners NHS finance staff NHS finance staff Wales Audit Office FSD Group Directors of Finance DoF Sub Groups Staff and student reps DoF Sponsors HFMA Wales Branch Accounting bodies NHS Wales Finance Academy Programme support Welsh Government Director of Finance Health & Social Services Chief Executive Group Student Focus Group

17  Charlotte Moar  Sharon Lloyd  Jeni Brown Programme Support Hosted by NWSSP

18 P eople I nnovating and adding value P artnership E xcellence Vision for NHS Wales Finance developing our P eople driving E xcellence Finance Adding Value working in P artnerships I nnovating and adding value

19 NHS Wales Finance Objectives Developing our people Dof Sponsor: Russell Favager Great place to work Creating the head space Creating the right environment for change – values and behaviours Talent pipeline for all finance roles Training and development programme Innovating and Adding Value Dof Sponsor: Alan Brace Planning and horizon scanning Research and innovation Benchmarking and sharing best practice Value and evidence based decision making Evaluating and balancing risk Working in Partnership Dof Sponsor: Rebecca Richards Customer focus - putting the patient first Understanding the business and influencing the agenda Developing effective partnerships across the wider public and private sectors Ensuring all staff who work with finance have the right skills to do so Driving Excellence Dof sponsor: Steve Webster Excellence in core financials – doing the basics brilliantly Streamlined processes and systems – Once for Wales Embracing technology and informatics Valuable business partner Finance Adding Value Sponsor: Martin Sollis

20 NHS Wales Finance Deliverables and Timeline 2015-2017 Developing our People Great place to work Creating head space Values and behaviours for change Talent pipeline Training and Development Programme Timeline Launch date Directors of Finance Declaration Sept 2015 DoF Sponsors and Staff Champions: individuals from across the function volunteering to lead or champion different parts of Finance Adding Value From Sept 2015 FSD training and development programme: offer opportunities to all groups of staff Sept 2015 Mentoring: offer all staff the opportunity to have a mentor from within the finance community Sept 2015 Coaching: signpost formal coaching and mentoring opportunities provided by partners Sept 2015 Student Network and Annual Conference: supporting prospective/current students and newly qualified staff Nov 2015 Secondments & shadowing: developing a framework within NHS Wales and with external partners Nov 2015 Finance Staff Census and Survey: ongoing collection of key information about finance Annual Supporting CPD: support organisational accreditation with accounting bodies. Work in partnership to signpost and develop CPD activities. March 2016 Financial Management Graduate Training: re-launch the graduate finance training scheme Sept 2016

21 NHS Wales Finance Deliverables and Timeline 2015-2017 Innovating and Adding Value Planning and horizon scanning Research and innovation Benchmarking and sharing best practice Value and evidence based decision making Evaluating and balancing risk Timeline Launch date Finance Academy Awards: sharing and recognising good practice from within our own finance community June 2015 Finance Academy Event: the theme for the next conference is Innovation and Excellence Feb 2016 Research and innovation grants: creating small grant fund within Finance Academy and signposting external sources of funding Feb 2016 Embedding research and best practice skills for all staff : for example, specific objective as part of PADR, FSD training programme Feb 2016 Research development opportunities with Welsh and UK Universities: including internships, research projects, research and benchmarking skills training Feb 2016 Scope opportunities to work with local, national and international research and innovation organisations: including 1000 Lives Plus, ABi, FFF, Nuffield, Harvard Sept 2016 Specific priorities for research, best practice and benchmarking: to be developed by DoF sponsor and DoF sub groups Sept 2016

22 NHS Wales Finance Deliverables and Timeline 2015-2017 Working in Partnership Customer focus and putting patient first Understanding business and influencing agenda Effective public and private sector partnerships Right skills for staff who work with finance Timeline Launch date Finance Academy Structure: clarity for staff and partners about structure and access to Finance Adding Value activities Sept 2015 Communication Strategy: develop effective communication and engagement with all staff, customers and partners. Expand communication. tools and enhance communication role of FSD leads Oct 2015 Welsh Government, Wales Audit Office and other public bodies: develop opportunities for staff to better understand the wider public sector; for example joint training, secondments Nov 2015 Finance for Non Finance Staff: develop a suite of resources and tools to up-skill staff who use finance systems and who make decisions about finance; e.g. Training for Independent Members, and support e-learning packages Sept 2016 Developing closer links with clinicians and service managers: gather information about our service from customers through common core survey questions; develop action plan to engage with clinician sponsor Mar 2016 Explore opportunities to further develop partnerships with other non-clinical professions within NHS: for example: informatics, planning, workforce, HR April 2016 Continue to develop partnerships to develop Finance Adding Value: for example accounting bodies, HFMA, universities, private sector Ongoing

23 NHS Wales Finance Deliverables and Timeline 2015-2017 Driving Excellence Excellence in core financials Streamlined processes and systems Embracing technology/ informatics Valuable business partner Timeline Launch date Technical webinars and update training: to be developed by technical groups and delivered through FSD programme; explore opportunities to link with WAO and external partners Dec 2015 Baseline /maturity matrix: use a structured tool to identify where we are in terms of technical excellence and agree where we want to be, so we can develop a prioritised work programme March 2016 Improvement skills: signpost and facilitate access to Improving Quality Together, and scope opportunities to work with partners to develop skills of finance staff March 2016 Streamlining processes : DoF sponsor and DoF sub groups to identify 2-3 key processes as priority pilots June 2016 Finance Forums: u se FSD website, and other technology enabled tools, as mechanisms for sharing and discussing topics of common interest across Wales June 2016 Business Partners: support pilots being developed by individual finance teams, and in collaboration with other organisations and across multi disciplines June 2016 Performance, planning and informatics: scope opportunities to work with other professions to develop common tools and develop wider skills Sept 2016 Developing core finance skills: update core competencies matrix, using More Than a Number and national core skills frameworks for finance; work with accounting bodies and HFMA to understand how current training syllabus and CPD meets core skills; inform ongoing FSD programme Sept 2016

24 The finance development group (FSD) is supporting “Developing Our People” Some of our early start projects The FSD Finance Staff Database Census completed in 2014 has informed much of our programme

25 Working with HFMA to develop a finance staff training programme  Opportunities for all staff  Complementing local and HFMA branch activity  First six months programme developed  2 year programme being developed NHS Wales Finance Staff Mentoring Scheme  developing mentoring skills within finance in order to  offer a mentor to all staff who want one

26 Supporting everyone who is studying for professional and technical exams  Student focus group with representatives from each organisation to develop ideas for student network  Student reps on Finance academy and FSD group  First student conference in Nov 2015  Supporting apprenticeships and work experience  Re-launch Finance Management Graduate Training programme - Autumn 2015

27 How you can get involved It’s up to you....but some ideas include:  Become a staff champion and / or volunteer for one of the projects being developed in each of the four objective themes  Developing our People  Innovating and Adding Value  Working in Partnership  Driving Excellence  Research into something that interests you and share within your organisation and the rest of Wales – why not enter the Finance Academy Awards next year  Write an article for the FSD newsletter or website  Become a mentor and give something back  Link in with your DoF, FSD lead and student rep to find out what’s going on and to share your ideas with them

28 Monthly newsletters Twitter @NHSWalesFSD @NHSWalesFSD Websites internal - external - Annual NHS finance staff event Feedback through your FSD leads / Student reps /DoFs What else would you like? Comms - are we engaging you?

29 Getting in touch Our FSD lead is..... Insert local name Our student rep is.... Insert local name Finance Academy contact details

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