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By: Meghan Coyne and Claire Carroll Hurricanes. W hat i s a Hurri c ane ? A hurricane is a costal storm that occurs at 80 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Meghan Coyne and Claire Carroll Hurricanes. W hat i s a Hurri c ane ? A hurricane is a costal storm that occurs at 80 degrees Fahrenheit or higher."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Meghan Coyne and Claire Carroll Hurricanes

2 W hat i s a Hurri c ane ? A hurricane is a costal storm that occurs at 80 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. That means that it is usually found by the equator. It is about 500 kilometers wide, and winds reach higher than 100 miles per hour! A violent tropical storm that is not found in any specific spot. but is most commonly found in the south west Atlantic ( By Florida)

3 How are Hurricanes c lassified? There are four categories to classifying hurricanes: Category one: winds to 74 to 95 mph, minimum damage Category two: Winds are 96 to 110 mph moderate damage Category three: winds of 111 to 130 mph extensive damage Category four: winds 131 to 155 mph the damage is extreme Category five: winds greater from 155 mph catastrophic Hurricane Katrina category 5

4 How are hurricanes Produced ? Hurricanes began as storms in the hot and Moist waters of the Atlantic Ocean and The Pacific Ocean. The water evaporates until it goes in to large amounts of heated moist air. They are than twisted high in the atmosphere. Than the winds began to circle in a clockwise direction and with speed it gains size

5 Why are hurricanes So Dangerous? Hurricanes are very severe storms that can damage anything that is in its path. A hurricane # 4 and 5 are so severe that it could ruin a whole city, Just like New Orleans. Many people are than left hurt and homeless. Victim of Hurricane Katrina

6 When do Hurricanes Occur? The hurricanes (in the Atlantic) season is from June 1 to November 30 but most hurricanes are during the fall months. They usually occur on the coast by Florida and Louisiana.

7 H urricane Ka t rina As many of you know Hurricane Katrina was a very harmful storm, it left thousands homeless and hurt. The super Dome was the H ome for many The stree t s after/during hurrican e Katrina hit

8 Marble Q uestion You have 45 seconds to discuss with your group What type of air pressure is there in a hurricane and why?

9 The answer is… Low air pressure Why? Because when the molecules heat up they spread farther apart which causes low air pressure because there is low air density 0

10 Thanks For Watching I hope you learned a lot! Works Cited Hurricane Force. www.comet.ucar. 5 Dec. 2007. 4 Dec. 2007. 4 Dec. 2007.

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