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Prefixes/Suffixes Vocabulary Is Power!.

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Presentation on theme: "Prefixes/Suffixes Vocabulary Is Power!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prefixes/Suffixes Vocabulary Is Power!

2 Prefixes-added to the beginning of words
Suffixes-added to the end of words Word Roots

3 Prefixes “mid”

4 “omni”

5 “circ/circum”

6 “super”

7 “ambi”

8 “bene”

9 “fore”

10 “macro”

11 “pseudo” (pronounced “soo-doh”)

12 “ant/anti”

13 “mal”

14 “bi/bin”

15 Suffixes “ous”

16 “ary”

17 Word Roots “theo”

18 “pater”

19 “flex”

20 “corp”

21 Prefix Examples

22 “mid” definition: in the middle of midnight
Midterms go home in the middle of the grading period.

23 “omni” An omnipresent being is all places at the same time.
definition: all An omnipotent being has all power. An omnipresent being is all places at the same time.

24 “circ/circum” definition: around
Circumference is the distance around a circle. The explorers circumnavigated the world by ship.

25 “super” definition: greatest Superhuman supersize

26 “ambi” definition: both or around
Someone who is ambidextrous can use both hands equally well.

27 “bene” Easier breathing is a benefit of not smoking.
definition: good, well Easier breathing is a benefit of not smoking.

28 “fore” definition: before, in advance Foreshadowing
In a book, a foreword is like an introduction.

29 “macro” definition: large A macromolecule is a large molecule.

30 “pseudo” Samuel Clemens wrote under the pseudonym Mark Twain
definition: false Samuel Clemens wrote under the pseudonym Mark Twain

31 “ant/anti” Anti-smoking An antacid like Tums works against acid.
definition: against Anti-smoking An antacid like Tums works against acid.

32 “mal” A malignant tumor is a harmful one. The computer malfunctioned.
definition: bad or badly A malignant tumor is a harmful one. The computer malfunctioned.

33 “bi/bin” definition: two or two at a time bicycle binoculars

34 Suffix Examples

35 “ous” definition: full of nervous glorious

36 “ary” definition: relating to or connected with honorary dietary

37 Word Root Examples

38 “theo” Theology is the study of the nature of God and religious truth
definition: God Theology is the study of the nature of God and religious truth

39 “pater” My paternal grandmother is my grandmother on my father’s side.
definition: father My paternal grandmother is my grandmother on my father’s side.

40 “flex” definition: move reflex flexible

41 “corp” corpse definition: body or a body of people
The Microsoft corporation includes thousands of workers.

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