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1 2002-05-28 © KistaOpen.Org KistaOpen.Org Principal: Claes Engerstam. Coach: Kurt Lundgren. Co-Coaches: Jonas Willén, Joakim Wiling. Project Team: Anna.

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Presentation on theme: "1 2002-05-28 © KistaOpen.Org KistaOpen.Org Principal: Claes Engerstam. Coach: Kurt Lundgren. Co-Coaches: Jonas Willén, Joakim Wiling. Project Team: Anna."— Presentation transcript:


2 1 2002-05-28 © KistaOpen.Org KistaOpen.Org Principal: Claes Engerstam. Coach: Kurt Lundgren. Co-Coaches: Jonas Willén, Joakim Wiling. Project Team: Anna Bergqvist, Aravind Balasubramaniam, Maliha Mushabbar, Martin Lindkvist, Syed Mushabbar Sadiq.

3 2 2002-05-28 © KistaOpen.Org Project Team Principal: Claes Engerstam. Coach: Kurt Lundgren. Co-Coachs: Jonas Willén, Joakim Wiling. Project Team: Anna Bergqvist, Aravind Balasubramaniam, Maliha Mushabbar, Martin Lindkvist, Syed Mushabbar Sadiq.

4 3 2002-05-28 © KistaOpen.Org Overview Project Team Organization Project & its Goals Methodology Project Progress Business Model Risk Analysis Video Q&A

5 4 2002-05-28 © KistaOpen.Org Project TeamOrganization

6 5 2002-05-28 © KistaOpen.Org Project Team Organization Project Manager Project Assistant Project Advisor Webmaster Technical Manager Marketing Manager Risk Analysist Multimedia Manager

7 6 2002-05-28 © KistaOpen.Org Project & its Goals Expansion of Operator Neutral Network in Kista. With the perspective of Real Estate Owners. Development of Business Model. Finding ownership solutions.

8 7 2002-05-28 © KistaOpen.Org Operator Neutral Network

9 8 2002-05-28 © KistaOpen.Org Methodology Literature and Internet Study Market Study (Interviews) standardized questionnaire Qualitative Analysis

10 9 2002-05-28 © KistaOpen.Org Project Progress Two phases: Phase 1. Information seeking Individual areas of responsibility –one group meeting/week minimum Organization –overall manager –different area managers

11 10 2002-05-28 © KistaOpen.Org Project Progress Goal alterations Catch 22

12 11 2002-05-28 © KistaOpen.Org Project Progress Phase 2. Evaluation of gathered material Common evaluation –close scheduled meetings “Real Estate Owner Day” –SVEBO restrictions -> problem

13 12 2002-05-28 © KistaOpen.Org Business Model Real Estate Owners Association Own passive part of network (fibers). Communication Operator Own active part of network. Application Service Provider Responsible for providing services in local area network. Internet Service Providers Responsible for providing internet and related services.

14 13 2002-05-28 © KistaOpen.Org Business Model ISPs Real Estate Owners Association Communicatio n Operator Tenants Local Companies ISPs

15 14 2002-05-28 © KistaOpen.Org Contract terms Between Real Estate owners Association and Communicator Operator -The REOA will lease the passive part to the CO. -The REOA will set standards for the CO. Between Communicator Operator and Internet Service Providers -CO can charge a fixed fee to all the connected ISPs for providing the network + additional fee according to the capacity of the network they use.

16 15 2002-05-28 © KistaOpen.Org Contract terms Between ISP and Tenants -The tenants will pay for the services they use. Between Communicator Operator and Application Service Providers -The CO will charge the application service provider for providing it the stable network to provide its services (other than internet). The charge system could be based on the capacity usage.

17 16 2002-05-28 © KistaOpen.Org Alternative Business Model Communicator operator work as a customer services also To lower its risk and increase its revenue Alternative business model Take a little fee from tenants to provide them stable network (customer services)

18 17 2002-05-28 © KistaOpen.Org Alternative Business Model ISPs Real Estate Owners Association Communicatio n Operator Tenants Local Companies ISPs

19 18 2002-05-28 © KistaOpen.Org Common Forum The market is new More to develop More to change Much uncertainity among the actors The solution is common forum

20 19 2002-05-28 © KistaOpen.Org Suggested Network The network in Kista can be built in two rings According to a rough cost estimation to develop the passive structure, in case the fibers are leased by STOKAB Total cost is 77 593 SEK/3 month (excl. VAT)

21 20 2002-05-28 © KistaOpen.Org Risks for Network Investors Slow development of services  Too little cash flow from the end users Low penetration  Too little cash flow from the end users Communication operator without financial strength  Operators not able to provide active equipment

22 21 2002-05-28 © KistaOpen.Org What if the Real Estate Owners are not Interested? This is a likely scenario... REO generally conservative and risk-avoiding companies not their core business forming consortium demands a lot of cooperation with competitors Operator neutral alternative to handle this scenario: fiber leased from STOKAB by every actor individually

23 22 2002-05-28 © KistaOpen.Org Real Estate ISPs Communicatio n Operator Tenants

24 23 2002-05-28 © KistaOpen.Org Alternative: Operator Consortium A possibility in this model is a consortium of several operators. Advantages: no need for REO to take initiative no need for REO to invest heavily

25 24 2002-05-28 © KistaOpen.Org Video Narrating the traditional services in beginning. - how the users are frustated because of ISP monopoly, before establishing the ONN. Narrating how ONN could be established to provide broadband. - Real estate owners and KTH conference After establishing ONN the users are happy of services and broadband solution is established. A new Kista is created..!

26 25 2002-05-28 © KistaOpen.Org Thanks for your attention. Questions ?

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