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Motto: “And in a great new family, The family of the free, With softly spoken, kindly word Pray, men, remember me”.

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Presentation on theme: "Motto: “And in a great new family, The family of the free, With softly spoken, kindly word Pray, men, remember me”."— Presentation transcript:

1 Motto: “And in a great new family, The family of the free, With softly spoken, kindly word Pray, men, remember me”.




5 At the end of the lesson you will be able to: to know more about Taras Shevchenko; to listen to the text and understand its gist and details despite the national difficulties; to exchange information on the basis of the text for reading and of a given situation; to review and activate the words and word- combinations; to speak English using prepared and unprepared speech; improve presentation skills.

6 LISTENING Taras Shevchenko’s Literary Works

7 Repeat these words. They will help you to understand the text. Hatred - ненависть The Bewitched - Зачарована Seduce – спокушати, зваблювати Oppression – утиск, гніт, Consciousness - свідомість


9 The mighty Dnieper

10 My Thoughts



13 READING Taras Shevchenko

14 Look at the pictures. Say what you know about these Ukrainian writers and their literary works.

15 Let’s repeat and write down unknown words. Serf [’s ə :f] кріпак Shepherd [’ ʃ eped] пастух Orphan [’ ᴐ :f ə n] сирота Poverty [’p ᴐ v ə ti] бідність Misery [’miz ə ri] злидні, страждання Apprentice [ ə ’prenties] стати учнем майстра Freedom [’fri:d ə m] воля Literary activity – літературна діяльність Collection of poems – збірка віршів Establish [i’st æbli ʃ ] встановлювати

16 «v» - знайома інформація (це я вже знаю) «+» - нова інформація (це для мене нове) «-» - суперечлива інформація (я думав інакше) «?» - недостатня інформація (про це хотілося б дізнатися більше) Read the text about Taras Shevchenko. Divide the information into:

17 Finish the sentences Taras Shevchenko is … He was born in … The most famous poem of Shevchenko is … “Testament” means … The name of Taras Shevchenko famous for …

18 WRITING Shevchenko

19 Cinquan 1). Shevchenko 2). national, famous 3). Wrote poems, works 4). Great poet 5). Voice of Ukraine

20 Home Assignment  To make your own cinquan.  To learn by heart one of the Shevchenko’s poems.  SB. Ex.7, p.77 Report the statements.

21 Thank you for your active and creative work.

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