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June,08 1 Nebraska AEYC Structure and Chapters. June, 082 National Association for the Education of Young Children Largest organization working on behalf.

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Presentation on theme: "June,08 1 Nebraska AEYC Structure and Chapters. June, 082 National Association for the Education of Young Children Largest organization working on behalf."— Presentation transcript:

1 June,08 1 Nebraska AEYC Structure and Chapters

2 June, 082 National Association for the Education of Young Children Largest organization working on behalf of young children Founded in 1926 Nearly 100,000 members world-wide Reorganization in 2001-2002

3 June, 083 National Association for the Education of Young Children Provides: Position statements on early childhood (EC) issues Press releases Advocacy leadership Research on EC dev and education Leadership opportunities

4 June, 084 Nebraska Association for the Education of Young Children, Inc Began in the summer of 1976 Currently 500+ members State-wide organization Became incorporated in 2002

5 June, 085 Organizational Chart NeAEYC Board of Directors Executive Director NeAEYC Staff NAEYC NeAEYC Omaha AEYCLincoln AEYC Chapters of Nebraska AEYC

6 June, 086 Organization of Nebraska AEYC Local Affiliates Have over 50 members Manage their own $$ Are incorporated Work with and submit reports to state office Omaha AEYC & Lincoln AEYC

7 June, 087 Organization of Nebraska AEYC Local Chapters of Nebraska AEYC Columbus, Northeast, All Nations, Sarpy/Cass, Kearney Fewer than 50 members Nebraska AEYC manages $$ Not incorporated Under the state umbrella & insurance

8 June, 088 Joining Nebraska AEYC Membership Costs: $40 for students $50 for regular membership $85 for comprehensive membership Options for 3-year membership (Discounted) Cost includes membership in NAEYC, Midwest AEYC, Nebraska AEYC, and a local chapter (if applicable)

9 June, 089 NeAEYC Membership March, 08 ComprehensiveRegularStudentTOTAL OAEYC 6613250248 LAEYC 408636162 At-Large 1931757 Northeast 715022 Columbus 212014 All-Nations 2608 Sarpy-Cass 66416 Kearney Area 814224 Independent 1203 TOTAL 15130499554

10 June, 0810 Omaha AEYC 248 Members 2 representatives on NeAEYC board Jen Haggart Don George President: Jen Haggart Student Chapter Metropolitan Community College

11 June, 0811 Omaha AEYC from A to Z A Accreditation Boot Camp Fall 2008 BBoard Development & Education part of every Board meeting CChicago “food, friends and fun” event at NAEYC Annual Conference DDay for Kids September 2007 – early childhood activities area EEmail communication on a regular basis FFuture Link – newsletter published quarterly GGrowing, growing, growing – Membership increase of 25% June 2007 to June 2008

12 Omaha AEYC from A to Z, cont H Happy 50th Birthday Omaha AEYC!! IIntro to Early Childhood presentations at Metro JJoin Us! Member Outreach Co-Chairs focusing on member recruitment and retention KKaleidoscope Conference with Michael Brandwein LLeading the Way to Quality MMonthly Board meetings NNetworking Nights scheduled quarterly OOrientation for Board members January 2008 P Professional Development Nights April and October 2008 QQuality Matters Training Series – over 150 trained on NAEYC Accreditation Standards

13 Omaha AEYC A to Z, cont R Retreat “Building Connections” on the Board, in the community, with our members SSenator Meet and Greet TTelephone number established 402-541-4718 UUpdating Bylaws, Policies and Procedures and Board Position Descriptions VVIP Event WWebsite has a new look! XeXcellent response to Week of the Young Child Kick Off plans (winter weather cancellation) YYoung Children – it’s what we’re all about! ZZero dead ends…the possibilities are endless

14 June, 0814 Lincoln AEYC 162 members 2 representatives on NeAEYC board Janeen Ward Pat Enevoldsen President: Pat Enevoldsen Student chapters: Southeast Community College University of Nebraska at Lincoln

15 June, 0815 Lincoln AEYC Activities Annual April Early Childhood Celebration Recognition – Sally Wysong Award (2008: Alicia Baillie, 2007: Helen Raikes) Periodic newsletter Networking at each meeting – meet at EC facilities Yahoo account started Videotaped for public access TV

16 Lincoln AEYC Activities Training: Relationship Roots How’s Your Laugh Life? Supporting Children with Special Needs in a Regular Setting Special Care Training

17 June, 0817 Kearney Chapter of Nebraska AEYC 24 Members President: Jo Cordova President Elect: Loree Johnson Activities: Hosted Early Learning Guidelines training Hosted conference WOYC celebration at Hilltop Mall

18 June, 0818 22 Members & 8 members President: Susan Strahm Activities Registration discounts for Norfolk conference WOYC - table tents mailed to all members Enhancing Nature Education emphasis through partnerships Emphasis on CDA candidates Northeast & All Nations Chapters of Nebraska AEYC

19 June, 0819 Columbus Chapter of Nebraska AEYC 14 Members President: Kathy Zadina Activities: WOYC Kindergarten roundup activities – distributed 442 packets to Kindergarten families Support to Columbus EC Conference – April 5 EC professionals did a week of guest DJ spots for KLIR Radio Station highlighting activities to extend children’s learning. Planning to develop a Directors Networking group in fall

20 June, 0820 Sarpy/Cass Chapter of Nebraska AEYC 16 Members – Sarpy/Cass No officers, organizational structure at this time.

21 June, 0821 At-Large & independent members 57 at-large members – do not belong to any chapter. Most live in the central and western part of the state Only 3 independent members now – used to be many more

22 June, 0822 Chapter support from NeAEYC Door prizes Professional Resources Attend conferences Financial support to student chapters (conference) WOYC Mini-Grants Chapter retreat(s) 5 Board representatives from local chapters and at-large members

23 June, 0823 Chapter Support Each chapter can use up to 12 points 5 Professional books Freebies (post-it notes, magnets, pens, etc) 4 Children’s books 1 page on the NeAEYC website Staff support at a chapter meeting Staff support – flyer or newsletter

24 "Ordinary people with commitment can make an extraordinary impact on the world." John Maxwell

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