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A boy starts running at a speed of 60 m/s. If he accelerates at 5.0 m/s/s for 5.0 seconds, what will be his final speed?

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Presentation on theme: "A boy starts running at a speed of 60 m/s. If he accelerates at 5.0 m/s/s for 5.0 seconds, what will be his final speed?"— Presentation transcript:

1 A boy starts running at a speed of 60 m/s. If he accelerates at 5.0 m/s/s for 5.0 seconds, what will be his final speed?

2 I throw Sergio up at a rate of 60 m/s. How long before he reaches his maximum height? What is his height at his maximum? How long before he reaches back to the ground where I am standing? What is the speed 2.0 seconds after I toss him up? Assuming a 10 m/s horizontal component, what is the resultant after 3.0 second?

3 Ryan carries Gertrude up the 321-m tall Empire State Building. At the top of the skyscraper, Gertrude’s shoe falls from her foot. How fast will the show be moving when it hits the ground?

4 A bullet is fired at a bundle of gasoline tanks with a speed of 20.00 m/s and explodes upon impact. The sound of the impact is heard 6.00 s after the explosion. Given that the speed of sound is 1430 m/s, how far did the bullet travel?

5 Agatha is doing the high jump on Pluto. If it takes her 4000 s to jump a vertical distance of 5.00 meters, what is the acceleration due to gravity?

6 A monkey is in a 6.0 m tall tree and drops a half eaten banana on Robert’s head (who is laying down at ground level). How long does it take the banana to hit Robert?

7 A koala throws a coconut at Christopher as he is sleeping in his sleeping bag with a speed of 60 m/s. If it takes 7.0 s to hit Christopher, What speed is the coconut when it hits him?

8 In order to open the clam it catches, a seagull will drop the clam repeatedly onto a hard surface from high in the air until the shell cracks. If a seagull flies to a height of 25 m, how long will the clam take to fall?

9 How long is a ballerina in the air when she leaps straight up with a speed of 1.8 m/s?

10 While repairing a defective radio transmitter atop the 410 m World Trade Center, Lyle drops his hammer that falls all the way to the ground below. How long will it take for Lyle’s hammer to fall? How far will the hammer have fallen after 1.5 s when a janitor watches it pass outside an office window?

11 Lily drops a cherry pit out the car window 1.0 m above the ground while traveling down the road at 18 m/s. How far, horizontally, from the initial dropping point will the pit hit the ground?

12 Willow throws Skylar out an airplane. She is caught by a native below. If the plane from which Skylar was dropped was flying at an altitude of 500 m, and she falls 400 m horizontally from the initial dropping point, how fast was the plane flying when Skylar was tossed from the plane?

13 A flour sack is dropped from a moving hot air balloon. The hot air balloon is moving horizontally at a constant speed of 60 m/s at an altitude of 300 m. if we neglected air resistance, how far horizontally from the dropping point would we predict the landing?

14 Michael is driving home from work and finds that there is road construction being done on her favorite route, so she must take a detour. Michael travels 5 km north, 6 km south, 4 km west, and 2 km south. Draw a vector diagram of the situation What is her displacement? What total distance has Michael covered?

15 While skiing, Drew encounters an unexpected icy bump, which he leaves horizontally at 12 m/s. How far out, horizontally, from his starting point will Drew land if he drops a distance of 7 m in the fall?

16 The Essex county sheriff is trying to determine the speed of a car that slid off a small bridge on a snowy night and landed in a snow pile 4 m below the level of the road. The tire tracks in the snow show that the car landed 12 m measured horizontally form the bridge. How fast was the car going when it left the road?

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