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Chapter 1 : Looking at the Earth Section 1: Thinking Like A Geographer.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1 : Looking at the Earth Section 1: Thinking Like A Geographer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1 : Looking at the Earth Section 1: Thinking Like A Geographer

2 Thinking Like A Geographer Geographer: person who studies geography Geography: the study of the earth in all it’s variety

3 Thinking Like A Geographer Geographers look at issues: global, national, or local They try to understand the physical and human characteristics, or features, of the issue

4 Thinking Like A Geographer Physical Characteristics Geographers study places They look at where something is located They also try to understand what the place is like They ask: what features make a place similar to or different from other places? VS

5 Thinking Like A Geographer Physical Characteristics Here are the actual physical characteristics a geographer would identify: 1.Landforms 2.Trees 3.Bodies of water 4.Soil 5.Rain: precipitation 6.Weather: hot vs. cold

6 Thinking Like A Geographer Human Characteristics Geographers also look at the social characteristics of people living in a place: 1.Culture 2.Ancestors 3.Government 4.Language 5.Religion 6.Work/Job/Career/Economy

7 Thinking Like A Geographer People and Places Where people live influences HOW they live. VS

8 Thinking Like A Geographer Regions: Geographers also look at the big picture, or how individual places relate to other places. 1.Small areas such as towns/cities 2.South Eastern United States 3.Country/countries/continents

9 Thinking Like A Geographer Tools of Geography 1.Maps 2.Globes 3.Radar Cameras – reveal hidden information Radar image of Antarctica

10 Thinking Like A Geographer Tools of Geography 4. Landsat Images – images taken above the earth; how maps are made 5. GPS – tells the exact latitude/longitude of an exact location 6. GIS – Computer Software 7. Computers Landsat Image of Antarctica

11 Thinking Like A Geographer Uses of Geography 1.Maps – to get around 2.Planning – plan new services, disasters, how much new housing 3.Helps people make sound decisions – street traffic 4.Helps people manage resources – trees, water

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