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Speaking Volumes: the impact of public libraries on wellbeing Jenny Peachey, Policy Officer Carnegie UK Trust.

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Presentation on theme: "Speaking Volumes: the impact of public libraries on wellbeing Jenny Peachey, Policy Officer Carnegie UK Trust."— Presentation transcript:

1 Speaking Volumes: the impact of public libraries on wellbeing Jenny Peachey, Policy Officer Carnegie UK Trust

2 The Trust 2

3 History of work on public libraries 3

4 Re-engaging with libraries

5 Research 5

6 Speaking Volumes: poster

7 Speaking Volumes: databases

8 Speaking Volumes: next steps


10 Nottingham Leeds

11 Carnegie Library Lab Aim: Innovation and leadership Scope: UK and Republic of Ireland Timeframe: 3 years Target: early to mid-career individuals Advice: Advisory Group 11

12 Carnegie Library Lab: a package 12 Online learning programme Funding for innovative project A network Support Evaluation

13 Current Partners & Projects #librarylab #edinedge Commons are forever Library after dark cafe Ideas garage Library bike Rub-a-dub- hub Datascape Digital toybox

14 Carnegie Library Lab: legacy 14 Online material Network of innovators and future leaders Innovative idea Share learning

15 Thank you & Questions! Jenny Peachey email:

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