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Field Review Accountability Today: What is working well? What could work better?

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Presentation on theme: "Field Review Accountability Today: What is working well? What could work better?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Field Review Accountability Today: What is working well? What could work better?

2 Relationships: knowledgeable, respectful, responsive Need for accountability

3 A lot is due to our relationship with our project officer. This person has a good tolerance for ambiguity which you don’t often find. Program visits are so important. I have good relationships with the field and I think they’re comfortable calling me with problems. Personal interface and discussion (in visits) can lead to discussing issues that may not have come up on other ways. That interaction gives you information that you can never capture in terms of forms on the computer.

4 Need for accountability Relationships: knowledgeable, respectful, responsive Opportunity to reflect Usefulness of tracking

5 What Could Work Better?

6 What Could Work Better: Type of Data Quantitative - - Qualitative  What is counted becomes what counts  Need for the story So we could be more creative in what we measure but we get hung up on the numbers and we get hung up on what we are doing with the numbers and what those numbers mean. And at the end of the day whether I had one thousand students or eight hundred and fifty, that tells you nothing in terms of education.

7 What Could Work Better: Procedures Volume and level of detail Clarity  Purpose  Use Change Inconsistencies

8 What Could Work Better: Instruments

9 First Nations peoples have different methods and acknowledgements for successes, achievements and accomplishments. For some, First Nations peoples are not interested in following a curriculum and being a success as to what Western culture measures success. So, it is difficult to reflect this in a report in which a template is provided.

10 Impact Learners  Who is served?  Supports  Time Practitioners  Personal  Professional  Turnover Programs  Mandate in community  Capacity

11  Assumptions and Values  What is Literacy?

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