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Focus and talking points “ WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS! ”

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1 Focus and talking points “ WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS! ”

2 Wednesday’s Focus – every period Bullying and Challenges Be a Champion with ALL Rockets! Judson HS is dedicated to providing each student a safe and positive environment on a daily basis. Students are encouraged to discourage behaviors that Verbal bullying is saying or writing mean things. Verbal bullying includes: Teasing Name-calling Inappropriate sexual comments Taunting Threatening to cause harm

3 Wednesday’s Focus – every period Bullying and Challenges Be a Champion with ALL Rockets! Social bullying, sometimes referred to as relational bullying, involves hurting someone’s reputation or relationships. Social bullying includes: Leaving someone out on purpose Telling other children not to be friends with someone Spreading rumors about someone Embarrassing someone in public

4 Wednesday’s Focus – every period Bullying and Challenges Be a Champion with ALL Rockets! Physical bullying involves hurting a person’s body or possessions. Physical bullying includes: Hitting/kicking/pinching Spitting Tripping/pushing Taking or breaking someone’s things Making mean or rude hand gestures

5 Wednesday’s Focus – every period Bullying and Challenges Be a Champion with ALL Rockets! If you experience any bullying challenges, please take the following challenges: Talk to a teacher, counselor, or administrator Report a Bully - anonymous – judsonisd.org Judson High School is dedicated to being a safe place. If you are having a problem, if you are angry, want to lash out, TELL AN ADULT. Stay cool and get away from the problem. Let’s find solutions; it’s the Rocket Way.

6 Wednesday’s Focus – every period Attendance Protocols Be here like a Champion! The following will be the protocols students need to observe for the 2013 – 2014 school year: To receive credit in a class, a student must attend at least 90 percent of the days the class is offered. If you miss more than nine days in a class, you need to attend tutoring to recover hours. Failure to comply with attendance requirements means that a student has been  absent from school on ten (10) or more days or parts of days with a semester of the same school year  absent on three (3) or more days or parts of days with a four-week period

7 Wednesday’s Focus – every period Attendance Protocols Be here like a Champion! In order to document an absence, a student must present one of the following to the campus attendance office upon return to school: Parent’s Note – signed note describing reason for absence no later than three days from the date that the student returns to school Doctor’s Note – after three consecutive days of absences, student must provide a statement from doctor or health clinic verifying illness or condition that caused the extended absence from school

8 Wednesday’s 3 rd Period Talking Point – all week Cafeteria’s Expectations – Eat Like a Champion Lunch is determined according to the wings and location on the campus. Take out your schedule and find your 4th period class. If you have 4 th period in …. o The P-Wing or BACK Portables – A Lunch  A Lunch, Advisory, Class o G/F Wing – B Lunch  Advisory, Lunch, Class o H/E Wing – C lunch  Class, Lunch, Advisory o Rest of Campus (and Port 21) – D Lunch  Class, Advisory, Lunch

9 Cafeteria’s Expectations – Eat Like a Champion At the end of third, “A” Lunch needs to report directly to the caf é – NOT TO 4 th PERIOD! All others, go to class/advisory. Students going to “D” Lunch should take all items with them, as they will NOT RETURN TO 4 th PERIOD. Wednesday’s 3 rd Period Talking Point – all week

10 Cafeteria’s Expectations – Eat Like a Champion Reminders for lunch: Judson High School is a closed campus. Students MAY NOT leave campus unless they have a pass and have checked out through the attendance office. (Co- Op/Shortened Schedule students will have a sticker) Lunch is the students’ class for that period. They may only be in the cafeteria or the courtyard. No food or trays can leave the cafeteria/courtyard. Students are expected to clean up their area after eating. The following areas are OFF LIMITS during lunch: parking lots, athletic fields, the PAC, gyms. Students should not be in the hallways during their lunch unless they have a pass from a teacher.

11 Wednesday’s 3 rd Period Talking Point – all week Cafeteria’s Expectations – Eat Like a Champion Expectations for cafeteria behavior Gather food quietly and select a seat Be courteous, no cutting in line Clean up your area: pick up all trash on, around, and under the table IDs must be worn Only walk in the cafeteria Open seating – no “saved seats” Conduct talking to a conversational tone No talking on cell phones or electronic devices No food is allowed outside of the cafeteria Ask for help from an adult if confronted with a conflict Students must get their lunch right away and finish eating before the end of the lunch period

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