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Mental Illness and Substance Abuse in the Workplace Sheila Thibodeau, LCSW, CCS, Qualified SAP.

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Presentation on theme: "Mental Illness and Substance Abuse in the Workplace Sheila Thibodeau, LCSW, CCS, Qualified SAP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mental Illness and Substance Abuse in the Workplace Sheila Thibodeau, LCSW, CCS, Qualified SAP

2 Mental Illness Mental Illness is defined as ‘collectively all diagnosable mental disorders’ or ‘health conditions that are characterized by alterations in thinking, mood, or behavior (or some combination thereof) associated with distress and/or impaired functioning.’ - (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)

3 Mental Illness (MI) Cont…. According to the World Health Organization, mental illness accounts for more disability in developed countries than any other group of illness, including cancer and heart disease One in 4 individuals will suffer from Mental illness Nearly ½ of all long term sickness absences are caused by mental health problems (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)

4 Mental Illness Cont… In a 3 month period, patients with depression miss an average of 4.8 workdays and suffer 11.5 days of reduced productivity. Significantly greater percentages of lifetime depression have been reported among women (11.7%) than men (5.6%) There is a high rate of comorbidity between mental illness and substance abuse (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)

5 Substance Abuse (SA) Substance Abuse is a harmful pattern of use of any substance for mood altering purposes which leads to frequent and serious problems. These problems can impact performance at school, work or home.

6 Substance Abuse (SA) 75% of illicit drug users work More than 60% of adults know someone who has reported to work under the influences of alcohol or other drugs Alcohol and drug abuse has been estimated to cost American businesses roughly 81 billion dollars in lost productivity each year. Alcoholism is estimated to cause 500 million lost workdays annually. (National Household Survey on Drug Abuse. U.S Department of Health and Human Services)

7 Impact of SA & MI on Organizations

8 Impact of SA and MI on Organizations Presenteeism Turnover Absenteeism Lost Profitability Safety

9 What is my Role?

10 What is my Role Focus on Job Performance and Safety Balance Sensitivity vs. Performance Know your Policies and Procedures Be aware of signs and symptoms of SA & MI

11 What is my role cont... Have effective conversations with employees ** Honor Confidentiality Be honest, fair, consistent & respectful Be clear about policy with employee

12 What is my role cont… Offer compassion and help Be familiar with Resources Follow up

13 Signs of impairment

14 Signs of Impairment Cont… Attendance General Behavior Job Performance

15 Signs of Impairment The signs listed may not necessarily mean an employee has a SA or MI problem. When evaluating situation, review the entire picture Do you see more than one sign Have several instances occurred over time Is there a progression in signs displayed

16 Having effective conversations Plan what to say Develop agenda Decide how to conduct meeting (priv/other supv) Describe factual observation (examples)****

17 Having effective conversations cont… Emphasize need for improved performance Give expectations Explain actions that may be taken if performance does not improve Follow Up

18 Why do we not have these types of conversations?

19 What If….. Employee tells a coworker, “I might as well give up” Employee comes to work intoxicated You hear someone has a problem outside of work We begin to deal with a job performance issue and the employee tells us it is a disability

20 What is not my Role Ignore Problem Enabling Problem ** Being vague Offering diagnosis Providing counseling **

21 Be Cautious (?) Stigma Attitude Assumptions


23 What works Information and Train Supervisors Be familiar with and offer resources Place information in break rooms Ensure employees have access to services EAP

24 Summary Be aware, move quickly and tread lightly Intervene early and supportively Equip managers/supervisors with skills/tools to have effective conversations with employees (EQ)

25 Summary Recognize signs; address issues; offer compassion and help Take action; talk; listen; maintain regular contact; document and be respectful

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